A737 West Bound Linwood Road to Black Cart Water - Environmental Impact Assessment Record of Determination
Project Details
The works are required to maintain the safety and integrity of a stretch of the A737 Westbound (WB), Linwood Road to Black Cart Water, Renfrewshire, covering an area of 1ha. Resurfacing works are required to repair structural defects that have been identified on the carriageway such as fretting and chip loss, rutting, longitudinal and transverse cracking.
Construction activities will consist of structural inlays ranging in depth from approximately 10mm-300mm. Treatment will involve using TS2010 surface course. Construction activities will be as follows:
- Implementation of Traffic Management (TM);
- Milling out the existing material to the proposed treatment depths by road planer;
- Laying of inlays using TS2010 surface course 10mm aggregate and AC binder and base if required;
- Reinstatement of road markings, linings and studs, and;
- Removal of TM.
The following (but not limited to) plant/machinery/vehicles may be used throughout the scheme:
- Planer will be used to remove the road surface.
- Paver will be used to lay the new road surface.
- Roller will level and compact the road material.
The proposed construction is programmed to be undertaken and completed within this financial year (April 2024 to March 2025) for approximately six night shifts.
TM is still to be confirmed but will likely consist of full night-time lane closures of the WB carriageway.
The scheme is located on the A737 WB carriageway, Linwood Road to Black Cart Water, Renfrewshire. The scheme is located at the following National Grid References (NGRs):
- Start: NS 44917 64505
- End: NS 43800 63985
Description of local environment
Air quality
The area is urbanised with approximately nine residential properties within 200m of the scheme extents. The closest one is located 65m north on Linwood Road. There are also multiple businesses within 200m. Notable sensitive air quality receptors include the following:
- Premier Inn Glasgow (Paisley) Hotel located approximately 59m southwest.
- Linwood Football Pitches located approximately 112m north.
- Linwood Riverside Walk, Park and Gardens located approximately 181m north.
- Linwood Clippens Road Basketball Courts located 128m northwest.
The main factor influencing baseline air quality is the traffic flow along the A737. The nearest manual count point along the A737, located 741m northeast of the scheme extents, (count point ID: 80545) showed that in 2023 the Annual Average Daily Flow (AADF) for all motor vehicles was 59,811, with 2,089 of these being Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs).
Although Renfrewshire Council has declared three Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs), all are situated beyond 200m of the scheme extents. This includes the following AQMAs:
- Johnstone High Street AQMA located approximately 1.4km west of the scheme extents is declared for Nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
- Paisley AQMA located 2.6km southeast of the scheme extents is declared for Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and amended Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Particulate Matter PM10.
- Renfrew Town Centre AQMA located approximately 6km northeast of the scheme extents is declared for Nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
There are no sites registered on the Scottish Pollutant Release Inventory (SPRI) within 1km of the scheme extents.
Cultural heritage
A desk-based assessment has been undertaken using Pastmaps. A study area of 300m has been used for designated cultural heritage assets and an area of 200m has been used for non-designated cultural heritage assets.
There are no designated sites within 300m of the scheme extents. Non-designated cultural heritage assets within 200m are shown in Table 1.
Name |
Reference Number |
Description |
Distance from Scheme |
Archaeological Survey, Linwood Lade, Linwood, Renrewshire |
4199 |
Historic Environment Record (HER) – Archaeological Event Record |
150m north |
Mill of Cart |
69679 |
HER - Mill |
177m southwest |
As works are like-for-like structural inlays and no breaking of ground or excavation is required, there will be no impacts on any cultural heritage assets identified and therefore has been scoped out for further assessment.
Landscape and visual effects
The A737 carriageway is bordered by mature trees and dense vegetation, with agricultural fields located to the northeast of the scheme extents. Black Cart Water and the tributary Old Patrick Water, flow directly below the scheme extents at two separate points, these being NGRs: NS 43821 63996 and NS 44123 64012. There are no distinctive cultural or historical landscape features within the scheme extents.
The Historic Land Use Assessment (HLA) Map highlights that the landscape surrounding the scheme consists of Rectilinear Fields and Farms.
The Scottish Landscape Character Type (LCT) Map has identified that the landscape type within the scheme extents is classed as Agricultural Plain - Glasgow & Clyde Valley. This LCT is low and flat and naturally susceptible to flooding. The area tends to be wet with some drainage and subsidence (e.g. on the road bounding Linwood Moss). Some areas of moss and birch scrub remain, contrasting with some of the neighbouring farmland.
The views from the carriageway are mostly of mature trees. Where trees are sparse, industrial buildings can be seen. Due to vegetation screening, the only properties that will have partial views of the works are those within the higher levels of residential flats on Melrose Avenue facing southwards. No businesses or recreational areas will have views of the works.
A desktop study using Scotland’s Environment Web, has highlighted that there are no Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs), Ancient Woodlands, National Scenic Areas or any Gardens & Designed Landscape within 500m of the scheme extents.
As works are like-for-like structural inlays and contained within the carriageway boundary, there will be no impacts on landscape and visual assets and therefore has been scoped out for further assessment.
A desktop study using NatureScot’s Sitelink identified Black Cart Special Protection Area (SPA) (ID: 8471) and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) (ID: 1698) are both located approximately 2.7km northeast of the scheme extents.
A search on Transport Scotland’s Asset Management Performance System (AMPS) records the following target species and Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) along the verge of the A737 WB carriageway within the scheme extents:
- INNS Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica)
- INNS Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera)
- Target species rosebay willowherb (Chamerion angustifolium)
- Target species common ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris)
The scheme and the surrounding habitat have been reviewed by a senior ecologist utilising desktop resources. As a result, the need for a field survey was scoped out due to the nature of the works and that all works will be restricted to the existing carriageway boundary.
Geology and soils
SiteLink notes there are no Geological Conservation Review Sites (GCRS) within 2km of the scheme extents. There are also no geological SSSI’s located within 200m of the works.
According to Scotland’s Soils Map, there is no soil data recorded within the scheme extents. This is likely due to the built-up nature of the scheme location. However, the surrounding soil types are brown earths and mineral alluvial soils with peaty alluvial soils, suggesting that the soil within the scheme extents is similar.
The Geology of Britain Viewer notes that the geological features within the scheme extents are made up of:
Bedrock Geology
- Limestone Coal Formation - Sedimentary rock cycles, Clackmannan group type. Sedimentary bedrock formed between 329 and 328 million years ago during the Carboniferous period.
Superficial Deposits
- Raised Tidal Flat Deposits, Late Devensian - Gravel, sand and silt. Sedimentary superficial deposit formed between 116 and 11.8 thousand years ago during the Quaternary period.
- Alluvium - Clay, silt, sand and gravel. Sedimentary superficial deposit formed between 11.8 thousand years ago and the present during the Quaternary period.
As the works will be restricted to the existing carriageway boundary and previously engineered layers, it has been determined that the proposed project does not carry the potential to cause direct or indirect impact to geology or soils. As such, impact has been assessed as being ‘no change’ and has been scoped out of requiring further assessment.
Material assets and waste
The proposed scheme does not require a Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) as the value is under £350,000.
Tables 2 and 3 below display materials required for the scheme and waste produced by the scheme.
Activity |
Materials Required |
Sources |
Construction |
· TS2010 surface course · AC20 bituminous binder · AC32 bituminous base · Road marking paint · Aluminium/glass/reflective lenses for road studs · Fossil fuels |
· Materials will be derived from recycled, secondary or re-used origin as far as practicable within the design specifications to reduce natural resource depletion and associated emissions. · TS2010 Surface Course allows a wider array of aggregate sources to be considered when compared to typical Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA). As a result, the use of TS2010 will reduce the usage of imported aggregates and increase the use of a wider range of sustainable aggregate sources |
Activity |
Waste Produced |
Disposal |
Construction |
· Asphalt planings |
· Uncontaminated road planings generated as a result of the required works, will be fully recycled in accordance with the criteria stipulated within SEPA document ‘Guidance on the Production of Fully Recoverable Asphalt Road Planings. |
Tar bound materials were not identified during the investigation coring.
Noise and vibration
The area surrounding of the scheme is urbanised with over 100 residential properties within 300m of the scheme extents. The closest property is located 65m north on Linwood Road. Due to vegetation bordering the carriageway, the only properties that will not experience noise and vibration screening are those within the higher levels of residential flats on Melrose Avenue facing southwards. Other noise sensitive receptors include the following:
- Premier Inn Glasgow (Paisley) Hotel located approximately 59m southwest.
- Linwood Football Pitches located approximately 112m north.
- Linwood Riverside Walk, Park and Gardens located approximately 181m north.
- Linwood Clippens Road Basketball Courts located 128m northwest.
- Playground Clippens Road located approximately 205m northwest.
All businesses and recreational areas are screened from the works due to vegetation.
The works do not lie within a Candidate Noise Management Area (CNMA) as highlighted by Transport Scotland’s Transportation Noise Action Plan (2019-2023).
Baseline noise level is mainly influenced by the traffic flow on the A737. According to Scotland’s Noise Map, the noise level (Lden) within the scheme extents during daytime hours ranges from approximately 61dB to 76dB. During nighttime hours, the noise level (Lden) ranges from approximately 58dB to 69dB.
The nearest manual count point along the A737 is 80545, located approximately 741m northeast of the scheme extents. This shows that in 2023, the AADF for all motor vehicles was 59,811, with 2,089 of these being HGVs.
Population and human health
Within 300m of the scheme extents, there are over 100 residential properties. The closest property is located 65m north on Linwood Road. There are multiple businesses within 300m, including the Premier Inn Glasgow (Paisley) Hotel, located approximately 59m southwest.
Community land and assets within the study area include:
- Linwood Football Pitches located approximately 112m north.
- Linwood Riverside Walk, Park and Gardens located approximately 181m north.
- Linwood Clippens Road Basketball Courts located 128m northwest.
- Playground Clippens Road located approximately 205m northwest.
There are no Core Paths, National Cycle Network Routes or any bridleways within 300m.
There is streetlighting along the either side of the carriageway within the full scheme extents. There are no bus stops within the scheme extents.
There are no access or egress points to residential properties or pedestrian footpaths within the scheme extents.
Road drainage and the water environment
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) Water Classification Hub notes that Black Cart Water (ID: 10747) is located directly below the scheme extents at NGR NS 43821 63996. This watercourse has an overall moderate ecological potential. Old Patrick Water (ID: 10023), a tributary of Black Cart Water, also flows directly beneath the scheme extents at NGRs: NS 44130 64011 and has an overall moderate ecological potential.
SEPA’s Flood Risk Map has highlighted that both of the above watercourses have a high likelihood of river flooding, suggesting that each year, these waterbodies have a 10% chance of flooding. There are no areas within the scheme extents that are susceptible to surface water flooding.
The groundwater within the scheme extents is Linwood Groundwater (ID: 150488). This has an overall ‘poor’ ecological status.
Drainage on the A737 where works are to be undertaken, consists of gullies which run along either side of the carriageway boundary and central reserve.
The scheme is not located within a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ).
Carbon Goals
The Climate Change (Scotland) Act sets out the target and vision set by the Scottish Government for tackling and responding to climate change. The Act includes a target of reducing CO2 emissions by 80% before 2050 (from the baseline year 1990).
The Scottish Government has since published its indicative Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to set out how it will instead reach net-zero by 2045, working to reduce emissions of all major greenhouse gases by at least 75% by 2030. By 2040, the Scottish Government is committed to reduce emissions by 90%, with the aim of reaching net-zero by 2045 at the latest.
Transport Scotland is committed to reducing carbon across Scotland’s transport network, this commitment is being enacted through the Mission Zero for Transport. Transport is the largest contributor to harmful climate emissions in Scotland. In response to the climate emergency, TS are committed to reducing their emissions by 75% by 2030 and to a legally binding target of net-zero by 2045.
Amey’s Company Wide Carbon Goal is to achieve Scope 1 and 2 net-zero carbon emissions, with a minimum of 80% absolute reduction on our emissions by 2035. Amey is aiming to be fully net-zero, including Scope 3 emissions, by 2040.
Amey are working towards a contractual commitment to have carbon neutral depots on the SW NMC network by 2028. Amey have set carbon goals for the SW NMC contract as a whole to be net-zero carbon by 2032.
Policies and Plans
This Record of Determination (RoD) has been undertaken in accordance with Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (RSA EIA Regulations) along with Transport Scotland’s Environmental Impact Assessment Guidance (Guidance – Environmental Impact Assessments for road projects (transport.gov.scot)). Relevant guidance, policies and plans accompanied with the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB)) LA 101 and LA 104 were used to form this assessment.
Description of main environmental impacts and proposed mitigation
Air quality
- TM implemented during the scheme may result in an increase in vehicle emissions through idling vehicles and increased congestion. This may result in a temporary deterioration in local air quality.
- During construction there is the potential for an increase in dust and emissions from plant and machinery. This is likely to cause a slight deterioration in air quality within the local area. These impacts will last for the duration of the works only.
- Post construction there will be no change to the traffic volume, speed or road alignment as works are like-for-like.
- All identified impacts will be temporary, lasting only for the duration of the works, with no lasting change expected in air quality.
The Guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction (2024), published by the Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM), ,includes the following mitigation relevant to this scheme,:
- All vehicles will switch off engines when stationary; there will be no idling vehicles.
- Plan site layout (including plant, vehicles and Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM)) so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors, as far as reasonably practicable.
- All plant and fuel-requiring equipment utilised during construction will be well maintained in order to minimise emissions.
- Planing operations will be wetted to reduce dust arising.
- Drop heights to haulage vehicles will be minimised where practicable.
- Lorries will be sheeted when carrying dry materials.
- Surfaces will be swept where loose material remains following planing.
- Green driving techniques will be adopted, and effective route preparation and planning undertaken prior to works.
No significant effects are anticipated and therefore no further assessment in accordance with DMRB Guidance document LA 105: Air Quality is required.
- During night-time programming, misdirected site lighting and an increase in noise & vibration could cause disturbance to any surrounding nocturnal species or protected species.
- If there is any disturbance to the verge of the A737, works have the potential to cause the spread of Transport Scotland target species and INNS including Rosebay willowherb, Japanese knotweed and Common ragwort.
- There is potential for connectivity to the Black Cart Water SPA and SSSI.
- A Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA) was undertaken and has concluded that there will be no Likely Significant Effects (LSE) on Black Cart Water SPA and SSSI due to:
- No reduction in habitat area, with all works confined to the existing carriageway boundary.
- No change in the level of disturbance to key species as a result of the works.
- No increased habitat or species fragmentation.
- No reduction in species density as works are being undertaken within the existing carriageway boundary where the designated species are highly unlikely to be present due to high levels of disturbance associated with the traffic flow and lack of suitable habitat.
- All site operatives will be briefed on the European designated sites prior to works commencing detailing the qualifying features.
- A ‘soft start’ will be implemented on site each day. This will involve a gradual increase in noise levels from plant to minimise disturbance.
- Vehicles, plant, machinery and materials will not be stored or parked on grass verges where possible. Where damage occurs, the reinstatement of the grass verge will be carried out.
- In the event that a protected species is noticed on site, works will be temporarily suspended until the animal has moved on. Any sightings will be reported to the Energy Transition & Sustainability Team.
- Works will not be undertaken within 7m of Japanese knotweed. Where this is not possible, consultation with Amey’s Ecology Team will be required and a Method Statement will be prepared.
- As part of the Network Management Contract (NMC), Amey, on behalf of Transport Scotland, has been asked to keep a record of various target species, including Rosebay willowherb and Common ragwort. Where works are required within areas of target species, the Amey Landscaping Team will be consulted so that the relevant management plan can be implemented.
- Please see mitigation methods in Road and Water Drainage for further controls.
With the above mitigation measures and best practice being adhered to, the residual effect on biodiversity is considered not significant. Therefore, in accordance with DMRB Guidance document LA 108: Biodiversity, no further assessment is required.
Material assets and waste
- Transportation and recovery of materials/waste will require energy deriving from fossil fuel, a non-renewable source.
- The design life for the TS2010 surfacing proposed is estimated to be 20 years. This will reduce the requirement for maintenance to this section of road over this period.
- The works will result in contribution to resource depletion through use of virgin materials.
- Materials will be derived from recycled, secondary or re-used origin as far as practicable within the design specifications to reduce natural resource depletion and associated emissions.
- Materials will be delivered on site when required, rather than being stock-piled.
- The Contractor will comply with all ‘Duty of Care’ requirements, ensuring that any surplus materials or wastes are stored, transported, treated, used, and disposed of safely without endangering human health or harming the environment. All waste transfer notes and/or waste exemption certificates will also be completed and retained.
- Following on-site coring investigations and testing, no coal-tar was identified within the surfacing of the carriageway within the scheme extent. As such, road planings arising from the works will be fully recycled under a SEPA Paragraph 13(a) Waste exemption in accordance with guidance on the Production for Fully Recovered Asphalt Road Planings.
- More sustainable road marking paint will be used, this will increase the longevity and lifecycle of product.
- Where possible all materials will be reused throughout the network, if not possible they will be recycled locally at a suitably licenced waste management facility.
It has been determined that the proposed project will not have direct or indirect significant effects on the consumption of material assets or creation of waste. Therefore, in accordance with DMRB Guidance document LA 110: Material Assets and Waste, no further assessment is required.
Noise and vibration
- There will be an increase in nighttime noise levels during construction due to the use of heavy plant and machinery and an increase in HGVs. This may cause disturbance for nearby noise sensitive receptors.
- TS2010 road surfacing is shown to have superior durability and noise reducing features compared to standard road surfacing mixes. Vehicle travellers and nearby receptors will benefit from the improved road surfacing as a result of the scheme.
- There are no anticipated permanent impacts on Noise and Vibration following the completion of works.
- Due to night-time programming, Amey’s Energy Transition & Sustainability Team has notified Renfrewshire Council in advance of the works.
- A letter drop will be delivered to residents within 300m to notify them of upcoming works, timings and duration.
- Effects from noise will be kept to a minimum through the use of appropriate mufflers and silencers fitted to machinery. All exhaust silencers will be checked at regular intervals to ensure efficiency.
- Unnecessary revving of engines will be avoided and equipment will be switched off when not in use.
- Drop heights of materials will be minimised.
- ‘Soft start’ techniques will be utilised with noise heavy equipment/plant/machinery in order to avoid disturbance.
- The noisiest works will be completed before 23:00 where feasible.
- Amey’s environmental briefing on Noise and Vibration will be delivered to site operatives prior to construction.
With best practice mitigation measures in place, the residual construction effects associated with Noise and Vibration are considered to be not significant. Therefore, in accordance with DMRB Guidance document LA 111: Noise and Vibration no further assessment is required.
Population and human health
- TM has potential to cause temporary levels of disruption to road users (i.e. congestion and increased travel times).
- There will be no impact on land take from private land and/or community land or facilities as a result of the scheme.
- Due to night-time programming, construction site lighting during night-time hours could cause disturbance for residential properties in close proximity, and for the nearby amenity users.
- Access to the residential properties, community assets and businesses identified will not be impacted by the works.
- TM restrictions/arrangements and any expected travel delays will be publicised within the local and wider area, in an effort to minimise disturbance to vehicular travellers.
- Temporary site lighting used throughout the scheme will be directional and pointed only at the area of works.
- Any change of schedule will be communicated to local residents throughout the work programme.
With best practice mitigation measures in place, no significant effects associated with Population and Human Health are predicted. Therefore, in accordance with DMRB Guidance document LA 112: Population and Human Health no further assessment is required.
Road drainage and the water environment
- If not adequately controlled, debris and run off from the works could be suspended in the surface water. In the event of a flooding incident, this debris may be mobilised and could enter the road drainage having a detrimental effect on the surrounding local water environment, such as Black Cart Water and its tributaries.
- Potential for spills, leaks or seepage of fuels and oils associated with plant to escape and reach drainage systems and watercourses if not controlled, which may adversely impact the water environment. In particular Black Cart Water and Old Patrick Water.
- Should flooding occur, this may delay the scheduled works.
- All debris which has the potential to be suspended in surface water and wash into the local water environment will be cleaned from the site during and following the works.
- Debris and dust generated as a result of the works will be prevented from entering the drainage system. This can be via the use of drain covers or similar.
- Appropriate measures will be implemented onsite to prevent any potential pollution to the natural water environment (e.g., debris, dust, and hazardous substances). This will include spill kits being present onsite at all times, and the use of funnels and drip trays when transferring fuel etc.
- The Amey control room will be contacted if any pollution incidences occur, available 24 hours, 7 days a week.
- Visual pollution inspections of the working area will be conducted in frequency, especially during heavy rainfall and wind.
- Weather reports will be monitored prior and during all construction activities. In the event of adverse weather/flooding events, all activities will temporarily stop, and only reconvene when deemed safe to do so, and run-off/drainage can be adequately controlled to prevent pollution.
- Site operatives will be given the Water Pollution Prevention toolbox talk prior to works.
Providing all works operate in accordance with current best practice, the residual effect on the local water environment during construction is considered to be not significant. In accordance with DMRB Guidance document LA 113: Road drainage and the water environment, no further assessment is required.
- GHG emissions will be emitted through the use of machinery, vehicles and materials used (containing recycled and virgin materials) and transporting to and from site.
- Local suppliers will be used as far as reasonably practicable to reduce travel time and GHG emitted as part of the works.
- Vehicles/plant will not be left on when not in use to minimise and prevent unnecessary emissions.
- Further actions and considerations for this scheme are detailed in the above Material assets and waste section.
With best practice mitigation measures in place, the residual significance of effect on climate is considered to be neutral. Therefore, in accordance with DMRB Guidance document LA 114: Climate, no further assessment is required.
Vulnerability of the project to risks
As the works will be limited to the like-for-like resurfacing of the carriageway, there will be no change in vulnerability of the road to risk, or in severity of major accidents/disasters that would impact on the environment.
All mitigation measures will be adhered to onsite which considers the vulnerability of the project to be low.
It has been determined that the project is not expected to alter the vulnerability of the existing trunk road infrastructure to risk of major accidents or disasters.
Assessment cumulative effects
According to Amey’s Current Works Schedule and the Scottish Road Works Commissioner, there are no works scheduled to be carried out within the proposed works time and location.
Renfrewshire Council’s Planning Portal does not indicate any works will conflict with proposed works’ location and timings.
Any future schemes will be programmed to take into account already programmed works, and as such any effect (such as from TM arrangements and potential construction noise) will be limited.
Overall, it is unlikely the proposed works will have a significant cumulative effect with any other proposed works in the local area. Considering the nature and scale of the maintenance works being undertaken, no in combination effects are anticipated.
Assessments of the environmental effects
Following assessment as detailed within this Record of Determination, and provided that mitigation measures are in place and best practice is followed, the residual impact is deemed neutral and there will be no significant effects on the environment and sensitive receptors.
The following environmental surveys/reviews have been undertaken:
- An Environmental Scoping Assessment (ESA) of the scheme, undertaken by the Energy Transitions & Sustainability Team at Amey in December 2024.
- A Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA) undertaken by the Ecology Team at Amey in December 2024.
Statement of case in support of a Determination that a statutory EIA is not required
This is a relevant project in terms of section 55A(16) of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 as it is a project for the improvement of a road and the completed works (together with any area occupied by apparatus, equipment, machinery, materials, plant, spoil heaps, or other such facilities or stores required during the period of construction) exceed 1 hectare in area.
The project has been subject to screening using the Annex III criteria to determine whether a formal Environmental Impact Assessment is required under the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 (as amended by The Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017). Screening using Annex III criteria, reference to consultations undertaken and review of available information has not identified the need for a statutory EIA.
The project will not have significant effects on the environment by virtue of factors such as:
Characteristics of the scheme:
- As the works will be limited to the like-for-like resurfacing of the carriageway, there is no change to the vulnerability of the road to the risk or severity of major accidents/disasters that would impact on the environment.
- No impacts on the environment are expected during the operational phase as a result of works.
- The successful completion of the scheme will afford benefits to carriageway users and residential properties in proximity, due to improved condition and ride quality of the carriageway surface.
- The use of TS2010 road surfacing affords the benefits of a reduction in mid to high frequencies of traffic noise and a reduction in ground vibrations. As a result, ambient noise levels will decrease post construction.
- Construction activities are restricted to the existing carriageway boundary within made ground and as such there will be no residual change to the local landscape as a result of the works.
- Works are not expected to result in significant disturbance to protected species that may be present in the wider area.
- At end of life, components can be recycled, reducing waste to landfill.
- The design option conveys sustainability benefits by significantly reducing the quantity of maintenance interventions required at the location.
Location of the scheme:
- The scheme will be confined within the existing carriageway boundaries (total area 1ha.) and as a result will not require any land take and will not alter any local land uses.
- A HRA was undertaken which has concluded, due to the majority of the works being a sufficient distance from the SPA and SSSI, there will be no Likely Significant Effects on the qualifying features.
- Works are not located within an area designated for its specific landscape character or quality.
- The scheme is not situated in whole or in part in a sensitive area.
Characteristics of potential impacts of the scheme:
- Containment measures of the working area will be in place to prevent debris or pollutants from entering the surrounding water environment and drainage.
- Measures will be in place to ensure appropriate removal and disposal of waste and any uncontaminated road planings will be recycled in accordance with Guidance on the Production for Fully Recovered Asphalt Road Planings.
- Materials will be derived from recycled, secondary or re-used origin as far as practicable within the design specifications.
- Any potential impacts of the works are expected to be temporary, non-significant, and limited to the construction phase.
- No in-combination effects have been identified.
Annex A
“sensitive area” means any of the following:
- land notified under sections 3(1) or 5(1) (sites of special scientific interest) of the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004
- land in respect of which an order has been made under section 23 (nature conservation orders) of the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004
- a European site within the meaning of regulation 10 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994
- a property appearing in the World Heritage List kept under article 11(2) of the 1972 UNESCO Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
- a scheduled monument within the meaning of the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979
- a National Scenic Area as designated by a direction made by the Scottish Ministers under section 263A of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997
- an area designated as a National Park by a designation order made by the Scottish Ministers under section 6(1) of the National Parks (Scotland) Act 2000.