Transport Scotland is taking forward work to consider options to realign the A75 to bypass the settlements of Springholm and Crocketford. These are the only two settlements on the A75 that are not bypassed and where the speed limit drops to 30mph.
The A75 was identified for improvements as part of the Scottish Government’s second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) and the scheme will build on Transport Scotland’s South West Scotland Transport Study Initial Appraisal - Case for Change.
In March 2024, Scottish Ministers were granted funding from the UK Government’s Union Connectivity Development Fund to progress Recommendation 40 from STPR2, specifically design and assessment work in relation to the realignment of the A75 around Springholm and Crocketford.
Transport Scotland has now appointed Jacobs as technical advisors to take forward the initial design and assessment work associated with the development of the proposed scheme.
This ‘Meet the Team’ event gives you an opportunity to meet the people who will be working on the scheme and to find out about the processes behind the design and assessment work.
We are also seeking to gather information to help inform our work going forward.
These events are the first of a number of planned engagement opportunities as the project progresses. We are committed to meaningful consultation with members of the public, road users and other stakeholders throughout.