BEAR Scotland update on current mitigation and current conditions of the hillside followed by open discussion

ER introduced himself as Scheme Manager for the RaBT with BEAR Scotland. ER presented slides which included an update on the hillside monitoring at the RaBT, the events of 15 and 18 September, the work with Forestry Land Scotland, improvements at Glen Kinglas and Aray Bridge and on the wider programme for the A83 and A82.

A copy of the slides can be found in Annex A.

FH thanked ER for his presentation and noted that it would be helpful for BEAR to share the outcomes of the investigations into why movement is still occurring on the hillside during this dry period.

Action 1: TS/BEAR to share the outcomes of the ongoing investigation into why there is still movement on the hillside in recent days.

FH invited any questions from Taskforce members.

William Sinclair (WS) noted that he had used the A83 several times in recent days, and challenged why the reaction time to move traffic onto the A83 could not be improved? WS continued to note that there are a number of issues for businesses in the area trying to move products, with Western Ferries being significantly busier than usual on Wednesdays, likely due to road users trying to avoid using the A83.

FH noted that when it is known that the diversion is required, it can be planned and well communicated, but the challenge may be around unplanned or unexpected incidents. FH noted that discussions are ongoing with Western Ferries and these have been covered in actions taken from recent Taskforce meetings. FH noted that for planned rainfall events, preparations can be made to quickly mobilise the OMR. However, for unplanned events this is more difficult.

ER noted that the event on Sunday 15 September was unplanned and resources had to be brought in from further afield in order to mobilise the OMR, and that the landowner needs to move and tend to their livestock. ER added that 3-4 hours to divert traffic from the A83 is as good a time as can be expected. Referring to the events on the evening of Wednesday 18 September, this event was unexpected and as it happened overnight, it was unsafe to herd livestock and mobilise the OMR in darkness. The longer diversion was put in place until the OMR could be opened safely.

Matthew Mundell (MM) noted that communications are generally good, and come via email, however, this is not always perfect. Around 30 loads were impacted this morning at the Rest and Be Thankful, which had financial implications. Having people at Inveraray and Tarbet at 0500 or 0600 to warn traffic and divert trucks onto the long diversion may have mitigated this impact.

Martin Reid (MR) noted that running a 44 tonne truck costs approximately £2.68 per mile, so by moving onto the long diversion this wipes out any profit form vehicles, likely resulting in a loss for the operator.

FH summarised that the communications around unplanned events needs to be improved, including potentially reintroducing electronic signage.

Action 2: BEAR to investigate what improvements can be made to communicating / preparing for unplanned events requiring the use of the long diversion or the OMR to mobilise, including the reintroduction of electronic signage.

ER responded that the normal communications message was via email, and noted that on Wednesday 18 September BEAR Scotland issued an email at 21:30 which advised of the situation. This email goes out to 200+ businesses and ER invited anyone not receiving it to get in touch. ER continued that electronic signage is in place and BEAR can look at introducing electronic signage in Inveraray, and upgrading the sign in the Lochgilphead area.

FH requested MR investigates potential means of communications in the evening / nighttime where road users/hauliers may not check their emails prior to departing in the morning.

Action 3: MR to investigate potential alternative comms methodologies to ensure road users/hauliers are made aware of any closures.

MR noted that hauliers may be more likely to look at TS communications rather than those coming from the Road Haulage Association.

MM noted that the electronic sign at Inveraray is generally very well received, and ensuring this is updated would resolve a lot of issues.

FH noted it may be appropriate to remind road users to check the Traffic Scotland website / social media prior to starting their journeys.

Action 4: BEAR Scotland to ensure the electronic signage at Inveraray is operational and is updated regularly.