Description of local environment

Air quality

For properties within 300m of each of the schemes refer to “Population and Human Health”.

A search of the Air Quality in Scotland online mapping tool records air quality monitoring sites in the wider area show bandings in the ‘green zone’ (Low Index 1-3).

The FRB lies within the boundary of both the City of Edinburgh Council and Fife Council, which have five Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) and no AQMAs within their administrative boundaries respectively. The nearest, ‘Glasgow Road 2013’, lies approx. 5.5km south of the closest scheme and has been declared for nitrogen dioxide (NO2).

There are 15 sites registered on the Scottish Pollutant Release Inventory (SPRI) for pollutant releases to air within 10km of the scheme:

  • Dalmeny Hound Point, South Queensferry - Energy sector – located 2.6km southeast, which has been declared for hydrochloroflurocarbons (HCFCs) (kg), methane (t) and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOs) (t).
  • Rosyth Dockyard, Dunfermline - Other activities - located 3km northwest, which has been declared for NMVOs (t).
  • Hillwood Quarry, Ratho, Midlothian - Mineral industry – located 6km south, which has been declared for CO2 and particulate matter PM10 and smaller.
  • VION Food Scotland Ltd, Broxburn - Animal and vegetable products from the food and beverage sector – located 6.8km southwest, which has been declared for CO2.
  • Glendevon Poultry Farm, Wagon Rd, Dunfermline - Intensive livestock production and aquaculture - located 6.8km northwest, which has been declared for ammonia (t) and particulate matter PM10 and smaller.
  • Muir Dean Coal Site, Drumcooper Farm Crossgate - Mineral industry – located 7.1km northeast, which has been declared for CO2, methane (t) and particulate matter PM10 and smaller.
  • Elmbank Poultry Farm, Crossgates, Fife - Intensive livestock production and aquaculture – located 7.2km northeast, which has been declared for methane (t) and ammonia (t).
  • Clifton Poultry Farm, Clifton Road, Newbridge - Intensive livestock production and aquaculture – located 7.5km south, which has been declared for ammonia (t) and particulate matter PM10 and smaller.
  • Gogarbank Poultry, Corstorphine, Edinburgh - Intensive livestock production and aquaculture – located 8.5km south, which has been declared for ammonia (t) and particulate matter PM10 and smaller.
  • Clapperton Poultry Complex, Broxburn, West Lothian - Intensive livestock production and aquaculture – located 8.6km south, which has been declared for ammonia (t), particulate matter PM10 and smaller and particulate matter total (t).
  • Mossbank Poultry Farm, Cowdenbeath, Fife - Intensive livestock production and aquaculture – located 9.2km northeast, declared for ammonia (t).
  • Craigies Poultry Farm, Townhill, Dunfermline - Intensive livestock production and aquaculture – located 9.7km northwest, declared for ammonia (t).
  • Sighthill Biscuit Factory, Edinburgh - Animal and vegetable products from the food and beverage sector - located 9.8km southeast, declared for hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) (kg)
  • Raw Camps Poultry Farm, Kirknewton, W.Lothian- Intensive livestock production and aquaculture – located 9.9km northeast, declared for ammonia (t).
  • Fife Council, Lochhead L/F, By Wellwood, Fife - Waste and waste-water management - located 10km north, declared for CO2 (kt), Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) (kg) and Methane (t).

Baseline air quality in the study area is mainly influenced by vehicles travelling along the FRB. Secondary sources are likely derived from vehicles travelling along the Queensferry Crossing, train movement on the Forth Bridge and from coastal industrial processes at Rosyth Dockyard, in addition to day-to-day urban activities within North and South Queensferry.

Cultural heritage

The PastMap and Historic Environment Scotland (HES) online mapping tools records that the FRB is a Category A listed building (‘FRB, with Approach Ramps and Piers’, LB47778/LB49165). Nine further listed buildings lie within 300m of the schemes the closest of which lies approx. 35m west of schemes located within the northern bridge extents.

Schemes within the southern extent of the FRB lie directly adjacent to the Queensferry Conservation Area (CA) and schemes within the northern extent of the FRB lie approx. 35m west of the ‘North Queensferry’ CA. The ‘North Queensferry’ CA consists of a marina, urban areas with residential properties, and small areas of scattered parkland and the ‘Queensferry’ CA consists of coastline, both residential and business properties, urban areas and small areas of scattered parkland.

Schemes located within the northern extents of the FRB are within the ‘Battle of Inverkeithing II’ (ID: BTL23) Inventory Battlefield (IB).

Of lesser cultural heritage value, the FRB (including approach ramps and piers) is also recorded as an undesignated cultural heritage asset (UCHA). Fourteen additional UCHAs of known interest are recorded within 300m of the schemes, four of which lie within a 15m radius, however these UCHAs are all located below the FRB:

  • Telesilla: Macintosh Rock, Firth of Forth - Canmore Maritime - Classification: steamship (19th century) located directly below the FRB.
  • North Queensferry, Lifeboat Station – Canmore - Classification: lifeboat station (19th century) - (20th century) located 5m west.
  • Telesilla - Canmore Maritime - Classification: steamship (period unassigned) located 10m east.
  • North Queensferry, Craigdhu, Hand Crane – Canmore - Classification: crane (period unassigned)) located 10m east.

All remaining UCHAs are found over approx. 30m from the bridge.

Construction of the FRB road corridor is likely to have removed any archaeological remains that may have been present within the trunk road boundary. The potential for the presence of unknown archaeological remains in the study area has therefore been assessed to be low.

Landscape and visual effects

The nine schemes are not situated within a National Park (NP) or National Scenic Area (NSA).

The Landscape Character Type (LCT) within the northern extents of the FRB is ‘Coastal Hills - Fife’ (no. 192) and the southern extents of the FRB is located within the ‘Coastal Farmland – Lothians’ (no. 280) a LCT (Scottish Landscape Character Types). The key characteristics of ‘Coastal Hills – Fife’ (no.192) are:

  • Close association with the coast, either through views of the sea, the Firths or the estuaries or indirect coastal experiences of sounds, smell, etc.
  • Predominantly medium to large, open, undulating arable fields, often with no field boundaries or with mainly wire fences, low hedges or some stone dykes and little other vegetation cover.
  • Isolated farms and extended or converted farmsteads amongst open, exposed fields.
  • Extensive seaward views across the North Sea or the Firths and land beyond, but generally landward views are contained by hills in the near distance.
  • Distinctive edges to the character type, created either by distinct breaks of slope or by rivers, roads, built development or Coastal Cliffs or Coastal Braes.
  • General lack of tree cover, with relatively few forests and shelterbelts.
  • Some pasture and rough hill grazing on the poorer hill soils. Occasional field corner plantations and small semi-natural woodland alongside burns.
  • Infrequent, small, often exposed and conspicuous settlements of stone or white or pale colour-washed render and grey roofs and single storey or two storey houses with small windows to the sea.
  • Designated landscapes, castles, dovecotes historic villages and rural churches.
  • Golf courses, primarily in eastern parts.
  • Medium to large scale, often open or exposed coastal landscape, where the character is always influences by the sea and can be particularly affected by the weather conditions and views of the sky and the sea.
  • Generally a simple, sloping, organised, tended, farming landscape with regular or geometric patterns.

The key characteristics of ‘Coastal Farmland – Lothians’ (no. 280) are:

  • Open, sweeping and gently rolling agricultural area of mostly intensively managed arable farmland on the fertile soil of underlying Carboniferous rock.
  • Some prominent igneous rock outcrops.
  • Generally north-facing towards the coast.
  • Drained by inconspicuous burns falling to the Firth of Forth.
  • Significant policy and shelterbelt woodland associated with farm estates
  • Significant gardens and designed landscapes associated with historic houses.
  • Generally medium scale fields but in areas smaller or larger scale, defined by hedgerows, hedgerow trees, stone dykes or wire boundaries.
  • An even scatter of farm steadings, estates and cottages, with a limited number of other settlements.
  • Distinctive grid pattern of major transport corridors of the M9, A904, the Edinburgh to Glasgow/Perthshire railway and the Union Canal passing through the area in a west-east direction and linked by a series of minor roads running north-south.
  • Highly distinctive and differing designs of the three Forth bridges and their approaches.
  • Often extensive views northwards across the Firth of Forth and its bridges to the Ochil Hills and beyond, and to the south to the Bathgate Hills and Pentland Hills beyond.

Land use located within 300m of the schemes can be categorised as the following:

  • Urban area,
  • Maritime installation,
  • Motorway and major roads,
  • Rough Grazing,
  • Designated landscape, and
  • Recreation area.

The national scale land capability for agriculture classifies land surrounding the schemes as being:

  • ‘Urban’ – land of no agricultural value.

The FRB lies above a transitional waterbody, with land use at the bridge foundations at the northern and southern extents dominated by transport infrastructure and urban development. Views from the bridge are of large-scale exposed coastlines with harbours containing moored shipping vessels. Inland of the coastline, an array of urban and industrial zones are a feature of the landscape. Excluding the FRB, the dominant structures in the landscape are the Queensferry Crossing and Forth Bridge. Large shipping vessels sailing up the Forth estuary are also distinct features. North and south of the FRB, the M90 and A9000 spurs form large linear elements in the landscape that are distinct from surrounding landscape features. The spurs are characterised by cuttings through hills and large embankments with scrub woodland planting in places. The FRB is a prominent landscape feature. The FRB, for example, has a distinct character shaped by fast-flowing traffic, road markings, safety barriers, signage and landscaping.

Woodland within the study area is comprised of:

  • Approx. 8ha of broadleaved woodland, registered on the Native Woodland Survey of Scotland, borders either side of the southern extents of the FRB.
  • Approx. 3.6ha of broadleaved woodland, approx. 2ha of which is registered on the Ancient Woodland Inventory Scotland, borders southbound carriageway at the northern extents of the FRB.
  • Approx. 0.5ha of broadleaved woodland is located approx. 10m west of the southern extents of the FRB.
  • Approx. 1.7ha of broadleaved woodland is located approx. 25m west of the northern extents of the FRB.
  • Approx. 0.7ha of broadleaved woodland is located approx. 30m east of the northern extents of the FRB.
  • Approx. 0.6ha of broadleaved woodland is located approx. 150m northwest of the northern extents of the FRB.

There are no trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) with connectivity to the FRB. However, the FRB is located in proximity to the Queensferry CA and the North Queensferry CA, and as such all trees located within these CAs are protected.


The NatureScot Sitelink online mapping tools identifies that the Firth of Forth Special Protection Area (SPA) (EU Site Code UK9004411), Firth of Forth Ramsar (EU Site Code UK13017) and Forth Islands SPA (EU Site Code UK9004171) are spanned by the FRB.

The Outer Firth of Forth and St Andrews Bay Complex SPA (UK9020316) has also been identified approx. 2.7km east from the FRB. The FRB is located directly above the Firth of Forth waterbody which outfalls to the SPA and therefore shares hydrological connectivity with this designated European site.

Three Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) have been identified within 300m of the FRB:

  • Firth of Forth (EU Site Code: 169840) is located directly beneath both the northern and southern extents of the FRB along the coastline.
  • Long Craig Island (EU Site Code: 169962) is located directly beneath the bridge within the northern extents.
  • Ferry Hills (EU Site Code: 135444), is located approx. 30m northeast of the northern extents of the FRB.

Hopetoun Road Local Nature Conservation Site (LNCS) is spanned by the southern extents of the FRB.

There are no Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) designated for biodiversity features within 300m of the scheme.

A search of the NBN online mapping tool records the following plant species as listed within the Network Management Contract (NMC) within 2km of the each of the schemes (within the last 10-years):

Four invasive non-native species (INNS):

  • Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum),
  • Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum),
  • Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera), and
  • Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica).

Five invasive injurious weeds (as listed under the Weeds Act 1959):

  • Common ragwort (Senecio jacobaea)
  • Creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense),
  • Broad-leaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius),
  • Curled dock (Rumex crispus), and
  • Spear thistle (Cirsium vulgare).

One invasive native perennial (as listed in the Trunk Road Inventory Manual):

  • Rosebay willowherb (Chamaenerion angustifolium).

The closest record pertains to common ragwort, creeping thistle, broad-leaved dock, curled dock and rosebay willowherb, located approx. 65m west of the closest scheme.

A search of the Asset Performance Management System (AMPS) online mapping tool records no invasive or injurious plant species within the any of the schemes.

The Firth of Forth consists of a wide range of coastal and intertidal habitats, including saltmarshes, dune systems, maritime grasslands, heath and fen, cliff slopes, shingle and brackish lagoons. Extensive mudflats occur particularly in the Inner Firth, notably at Kinneil Kerse and Skinflats on the south shore and Torry Bay on the north shore. Typically, the flats support a rich invertebrate fauna, with eelgrass (Zostera spp.) growing on the main mudflats. However, the ecological habitat potential in and around the FRB is somewhat limited because of a number of anthropogenic pressures. The area immediately under the footprint of the FRB, for example, is an active waterway containing well-used maritime shipping lanes, as well as being heavily utilised for marine tourism activities.

Geology and soils

The Firth of Forth SSSI (Site Code 169840), which is noted for its biological and geological features is spanned by the FRB. Firth of Forth SSSI is important for the wide range of geology that can be found in the Firth west of the three bridges where the coastline is rockier. The SSSI geological and geomorphological diversity includes an array of recorded fossil deposits, volcanic rocks, minerals, strata exposures and raised beaches, and is notified for:

  • Lower Carboniferous [Dinantian – Namurian part)]
  • Upper Carboniferous [Namurian (part) - Westphalian]
  • Carboniferous – Permian Igneous
  • Mineralogy of Scotland
  • Arthropoda (excluding insects & trilobites)
  • Palaeozoic Palaeobotany
  • Permian - Carboniferous Fish/Amphibia
  • Quaternary of Scotland
  • Coastal Geomorphology of Scotland

The Ferry Hills SSSI (EU Site Code: 135444), is located approx. 30m northeast of the northern extents of the FRB. The geological features that this SSSI is designated for are carboniferous – Permian igneous.

The FRB within the most northern schemes extents is located within North Queensferry (A90) Road Cuttings which is a Geological Conservation Review Site (GCRS).

The FRB within the most southern schemes extents spans the South Queensferry Shore and Dalmeny Local Geodiversity Sites (LGS).

The National Soil Map of Scotland online mapping tool records the generalised soil type and major soil group beneath schemes found in the northern extents of the FRB is restored soils and the generalised soil type is made up ground.

There is no recorded data beneath schemes within the southern extents of the FRB.

The British Geological Survey online mapping tool records that the superficial geology below the schemes extents is comprised of:

  • Till, Devensian (Diamicton), (south span only), and
  • Raised Tidal Flat Deposits, Late Devensian (silt and clay), (south span only).
  • Raised Marine Deposits of Holocene Age – sand and gravel, and
  • Marine Beach Deposits – gravel, sand, and silt.

The bedrock geology below the schemes extents is recorded as:

  • Midland Valley Sill – complex quartz microgabbro,
  • Calders Member – sedimentary rock cycles, Strathclyde group type, and
  • Hopetoun Member – sedimentary rock cycles, Strathclyde group.

There is no evidence of historical industrial processes or the storage of hazardous materials that could have given rise to significant land contamination.

Material assets and waste

The proposed works consists of nine separate projects.

The main materials used are expected to be but are not limited to:

  • Various steel items, including bars, plates, brackets, bolts, vehicle restraint barriers, lighting columns etc.
  • Glass reinforced plastic grating (SSUDA walkways).
  • Surface course.

Where the value of an individual scheme is greater than £350,000, a Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) will be required for the works.

The main wastes produced across all nine projects will consist, of but are not limited to:

  • Steel (bearings, bolts, beams, plates etc) (European Waste Catalogue Code: 17 04 05, 17 04 09).
  • Paint (European Waste Catalogue Code: 08 01 11) including lead-based paints.
  • Concrete (European Waste Catalogue Code: 17 01 01).
  • Bituminous material (European Waste Catalogue Code: 17 03 02) none of which is classified as hazardous material containing coal tar.
  • Timber formwork (European Waste Catalogue Code: 17 02 04).

Where possible wastes will be cleaned and reused on site or removed to a licensed facility.

Noise and vibration

Receptors – refer to ‘Population and Human Health’.

Works are not located within a Candidate Noise Management Area (CNMA) or Candidate Quiet Areas (CQA).

The day-time modelled noise level (Lden) for the carriageway along the FRB ranges from 75 to 80 decibels, with levels dropping to between 60 and 65 decibels at the nearest NSR (residential property) (Scotland’s Noise Scotland’s Environment). Baseline noise and vibration in the study area is mainly influenced by vehicles travelling along the FRB, in addition given the size and elevated nature of the structure climatic conditions can impact baseline noise level i.e. during periods of high winds. Secondary sources are likely derived from vehicles travelling along the Queensferry Crossing, train movement on the Forth Bridge (rail) and from coastal industrial processes at Rosyth Dockyard, in addition to day-to-day urban activities within North and South Queensferry.

Population and human health

The nine schemes are located on the FRB, which spans the Firth of Forth connecting South Queensferry to North Queensferry. Numerous properties (including residential, commercial and industrial properties) lie within 300m of the FRB. The closest residential properties lie 30m east of the schemes undertaken within the northern extents of the FRB.

Of note, Castle Rock Edinvar sheltered housing is located approx. 70m east of the bridge at the southern extents, The DoubleTree by Hilton Edinburgh lies approx. 70m northwest of the northern extents and the North Queensferry Community Centre lies approx. 200m northeast of the northern extents.

Segregated cycleways/footways run alongside the FRB northbound and southbound carriageways. National Cycle Network (NCN) route 1 and a Core Path (ID: CB) cross the Firth of Forth via the southbound cycleway/footway.

The FRB, including the segregated cycleway/footways, include street lighting over the full length.

The FRB is a dual carriageway with a 50-mph speed limit applying throughout. The road carries vehicles primarily used as public transport (e.g., buses and taxis). The Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) flow is low (635 motor vehicles (ID: 90004, 2023 data)) (Road traffic statistics) and is comprised of:

  • 17 two-wheeled motor vehicles,
  • 192 cars and taxis,
  • 271 bus and coaches,
  • 148 Light Goods Vehicles (LGVs), and
  • 5 Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs)

There are no congestion issues noted on the FRB within the any of the schemes during the proposed working hours.

Road drainage and the water environment

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) River Basin Management Plan online mapping tool records one classified surface waterbody within 300m of the schemes:

  • The Lower Forth Estuary transitional waterbody. The 38.6km2 Lower Forth Estuary is classified (ID: 200435) and lies in the Scotland river basin district. The Lower Forth Estuary has been assigned a Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC (WFD) overall classification of ‘Good’, an ecological classification of ‘Good’, and a classification of ‘Good’ for fish migration.

There are no unclassified surface waterbodies within 300m of any of the nine schemes.

A search of the SEPA’s Flood Map online mapping tool records that the FRB is not at risk of surface water flooding.

A search of the Scotland’s Environment (SE) online mapping tool determined that foundations of the FRB at the north extents lie on the ‘Burntisland’ groundwater, which has been classified as ‘Good’. Foundations at the south extents lie on the ‘South Queensferry’ groundwater, which has been classified as ‘Good’.

A search of the SE online mapping tool determined that the FRB does not lie within a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone.


The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 sets out the target and vision set by the Scottish Government for tackling and responding to climate change (Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009). The Act includes a target of reducing CO2 emissions by 80% before 2050 (from the baseline year 1990). The Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019 amended the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 to bring the target of reaching net-zero emissions in Scotland forward to 2045 (Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019).

The Scottish Government has since published its indicative Nationally Determined Contribution (iNDC) to set out how it will reach net-zero emissions by 2045, working to reduce emissions of all major greenhouse gases by at least 75% by 2030 (Scotland's contribution to the Paris Agreement: indicative Nationally Determined Contribution). By 2040, the Scottish Government is committed to reducing emissions by 90%, with the aim of reaching net-zero by 2045 at the latest.

Transport Scotland is committed to reducing carbon across Scotland’s transport network and this commitment is being enacted through the Mission Zero for Transport (Mission Zero for transport | Transport Scotland). Transport is the largest contributor to harmful climate emissions in Scotland. In response to the climate emergency, Transport Scotland are committed to reducing their emissions by 75% by 2030 and to a legally binding target of net-zero by 2045.