Summary of regulated procurement

Transport Scotland’s regulated procurements are governed by the policies and procedures described in Transport Scotland’s Corporate Procurement Strategy 2023-2024. A regulated procurement is any procurement for public supplies or services with a value greater than £50,000 excluding VAT, or greater than £2 million excluding VAT for works contracts.

Transport Scotland endeavours to maximise procurement benefits through the use of collaborative framework agreements where these are available, including, but not limited to Scottish Government, Scotland Excel and UK Government frameworks, as well as procuring new Transport Scotland framework agreements and contracts where required.

Transport Scotland spent over £770 million on procured contracts during the reporting period.

During the reporting period, Transport Scotland completed 47 regulated procurements as shown in Table 1, with a combined total value of over £64 million. This includes over £24 million of new framework agreements, as well as contracts and call offs worth almost £40 million. These procurements include 23 call-offs from collaborative frameworks owned by Scottish Government, Crown Commercial Services or Scotland Excel. A regulated procurement is considered completed when the award notice is published on the Public Contracts Scotland website, or where the procurement process otherwise comes to an end.

Table 1: Summary of Transport Scotland’s regulated procurement activity
01/04/23 - 31/03/24 Contract Transport Scotland Framework call-off Collaborative Framework call-off Framework Agreements Total
Services and Supply 2 19 23 3 47

Further detail on the procurements referred to in Table 1 is contained within Appendix A.