Supported businesses and social enterprise spend summary

Transport Scotland ensures that supported businesses are considered when a new procurement strategy is developed. For example, Transport Scotland spent over £10,000 in direct spend with supported businesses during the reporting period on the supply of Document Management Services from Haven Products. In addition,suppliers have reported placing contracts and orders with a value in excess of £533,000 with supported businesses and social enterprises. These include:

  • cfine for the supply of foodstuffs for the Northern Isles Ferry Services contract
  • Caber Coffee for the supply of coffee for the Northern Isles Ferry Services contract
  • Glencraft Mattresses for the supply of mattresses for the Northern Isles Ferry Services contract
  • Shetland Soap Company for the provision of toiletries for the Northern Isles Ferry Services contract
  • Scotland's Bravest Manufacturing Company for the supply of road signage for the Clyde and Hebrides Ferry contract, map boards for the Traffic Scotland Operations and Infrastructure contract and Academy9 certificates and Return to Bus postcards for the Transport Scotland Communications Support Services contract.
  • Codebase for desk rental space and catering for the Digital Travel Data Services contract.
  • Ethstat Ethical Stationery, Paint360 Ltd and Recycling Lives for supply of stationery, paint and waste recycling services to the South West trunk road operating company