Based on the assessment findings set out above, it is recommended:
- that the delivery plan for completion of the A9 Dualling programme is not rescheduled, on the basis that the current scheduling achieves an earlier overall completion date than would be achieved were it to be rescheduled;
- that the delivery plan for completion of the A9 Dualling programme is not accelerated, on the basis that the current scheduling balances market capacity for bidding and procurement with levels of road user disruption, that any acceleration would be at risk of not being supported by the market as well as being expected to provide lower certainty of cost, be at greater risk of delay, and result in higher levels of disruption for road users; and
- that further work is undertaken to determine whether, subject to the availability of funding, to bring forward construction of the improved Dalnaspidal Junction by means of an advance works contract involving the extension of the existing Glen Garry dual carriageway north by approximately 1km.