Summary of engagement with children and young people
This chapter presents a summary of the engagement with young people that took place as part of the wider community engagement events. The full report can be found in Appendix F.
There was an opportunity on this project to engage with children and young people to gain children and young people specific feedback.

The information from this engagement will inform the completion of:
- Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA):This process identifies, researches, analyses and documents the potential impacts of the Scottish Statutory Instruments relating to proposed scheme on the rights and wellbeing of children and young people.
- Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR):This document outlines the potential environmental impacts of the proposed scheme as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment process. It ensures a thorough assessment of significant environmental effects, proposes measures to mitigate adverse impacts, and ensures public participation in the decision-making process.
Approach used
The engagement with children and young people was conducted on Tuesday 27 August and Tuesday 3 September 2024. Three schools were chosen to take part in this engagement based on their proximity to the scheme and their prior engagement with the Academy9 programme:
- Royal School of Dunkeld: All students within the upper year groups at the closest primary school to the project (45 students took part);
- Breadalbane Academy: All students within the upper year groups at the closest secondary school to the project (38 students took part); and
- Pitlochry High School: Select number of students involved with extra-curricular groups and clubs, who will also be relocating to Breadalbane Academy for their final Academic school year (6 students took part).
When asked why they are using the A9, the most mentioned reasons are listed below:
- School travel;
- After school activities;
- Leisure;
- Going to Dunkeld and Birnam Railway Station;
- Shopping; and
There were a number of common themes in the discussion that took place. The table below shows which themes were discussed at each location.
Dunkeld |
Breadalbane |
Pitlochry |
Safety |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Traffic |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Dangerous driving |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Biodiversity |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Active travel |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Accessibility |
Yes |
No | No |
Tree preservation |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Sustainability |
Yes |
No | No |
Noise & vibration |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Signage |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Tourism |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Flooding |
No |
Yes |
No |
Some typical comments made during the discussions are shown below.
With regard to general feelings about the Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing section of the A9 Dualling Programme, comments included:
I think building a double road would be a great accomplishment because everyone will be a lot safer, I like the idea. Dunkeld student
I’m worried about speeding and racing on the new road. Pitlochry student
A9 should stay as it is, if it gets too safe people might go faster and cause more crashes. Dunkeld student
I worry about motorcyclists who take advantage of the A9. Pitlochry student
Can congestion and traffic be reduced during big exhibitions or events? Pitlochry student
Clearer signs are needed around speed limits and turn-offs, especially for tourists. Breadalbane student
Could the new road attract too much tourism? Breadalbane student
Some typical comments about walker, wheeler, cyclist and horse-rider considerations:
It's impossible to cross the A9 safely as a pedestrian or a driver. Breadalbane student
I only used the footpaths by the A9 once as it’s too loud.Breadalbane student
I am worried about crossing the A9. Pitlochry student
Will there be space between the pathways and the A9? Pitlochry student
Example comments about environmental factors:
Will widening the road mean cutting down trees? Dunkeld student
Is the dualling going to make climate change worse? Dunkeld student
I’m worried about delays when the road floods. Breadalbane student
Will noise defences be put in as the new road could be noisier? Pitlochry student
Requests for provision within the new car park at Dunkeld and Birnam Railway Station:
Are there going to be electric chargers? Dunkeld student
An example comment about school related travel:
There needs to be more junctions for school busses to cross the A9 and more bus stops close to the town for tourists. Dunkeld student
Design ideas for consideration
In total, the students presented 30 ideas for consideration, including:
- Overhead lights or traffic lights at junctions, crossings and the roundabout;
- Clearer signs for speeding, overhead direction signs and arrow markings on the road;
- Better road surface or skid reduction;
- Wind turbines at the side of the road;
- Noise control measures;
- Deer fences to protect them from the road traffic;
- Making the existing underpass at Dunkeld station safer, better lit and less muddy;
- More speed cameras; and
- Spread the word that speeding isn’t cool.