User Survey Findings

Ferry Use

Q1: How often do you use CalMac ferry that links Gourock and Dunoon?

Responses to Question 1, as described in the text below

101 respondents used the CalMac passenger ferry service between Gourock and Dunoon at least once a week. 109 used the service to travel once a month. 98 respondents used the ferry 2-3 days a week, while 47 respondents said that they used the ferry service 4-6 days a week.

59 respondents used the ferry service every 2-6 months. 13 used the ferry once a year and 16 respondents used the ferry less than once every year.

28 respondents did not use the ferry service.

Q2: During what sailing times do you travel most on CalMac ferries when going from Gourock to Dunoon? Please select all that apply.

Responses to Question 2, as described in the text below

This question was a multiple-choice question, and respondents could choose more than one time window as the sailing time they travel most on CalMac ferries.

227 respondents travelled most between 4-6pm; 198 between 6-8 pm and 144 respondents travelled after 8 pm.

112 respondents said that they travelled most between 2-4pm, 100 between 10am-12 pm. 76 respondents travelled between 8-10am and 80 travelled between 12-2pm. 42 respondents travelled most frequently between 6-8am.

12 respondents did not use the service.

Q3: During what sailing times do you travel most on CalMac ferries when going from Dunoon to Gourock? Please select all that apply.

Responses to Question 3, as described in the text below

This question was a multiple-choice question, and respondents could choose more than one time window as the sailing time they travelled most on CalMac ferries.

207 respondents travelled most between 8-10am and 188 between 10am-12pm. 110 respondents travelled between 6-8am.

90 respondents travelled most during 12-2pm and 80 respondents travelled most between 2-4pm.106 respondents travelled on CalMac ferry most frequently between 4-6pm, 96 between 6-8 pm and 85 travelled most after 8pm.

17 did not use the service.

Q4: What is your MAIN reason for using the CalMac Gourock-Dunoon ferry?

Responses to Question 4, as described in the text below

22% of users used CalMac ferry service to commute for work, 8% for self-employed and business travel and 4% for education and training purposes.

15% users used the ferry to visit friends and relatives, 14% used CalMac ferry for daytime entertainment and social engagements, and 6% for evening entertainments and social engagements.

13% users used the ferry for healthcare appointments.

3% of users used the ferry to participate in sports and cultural activities and 4% travelled to attend sports and cultural activities. 7% of respondents used the ferry to shop and 5% travelled for other purposes.

Respondents noted that they used the ferry service for more than one of these purposes.

Q5:How would these possible changes to the CalMac Gourock-Dunoon ferry affect your travel? Please select one option for each.

Hourly sailings ONLY throughout the day (including during the morning and evening peaks).

Responses to question 5, as described in the text below

In an all-day hourly service scenario, 100 people would continue to use CalMac services as usual.

102 would switch to using Western Ferries for the journey they currently make with CalMac. 140 would use both CalMac and Western Ferries and 57 would still use the CalMac ferry but travel less often.

14 people would stop travelling completely. 30 people would still travel but not use ferry services and use other modes.

Hourly sailings ONLY during the off-peak (daytime) and evening.

Responses to Question 5, as described in the text below

In this scenario, 116 people would continue to use CalMac services as usual.

89 people would switch to using Western Ferries for the journey they currently make with CalMac. 124 would use both CalMac and Western Ferries. 65 would still use the CalMac ferry but travel less often.

18 people would not travel at all. 31 people would still travel but not use ferry services and use other modes.

No sailings later in the evening e.g. after 8 p.m.

Responses to Question 5, as described in the text below

In this scenario, 116 people would continue to use CalMac services as usual.

89 people would switch to using Western Ferries for the journey they currently make with CalMac. 124 would use both CalMac and Western Ferries. 65 would still use the CalMac ferry but travel less often.

18 people would not travel at all. 31 people would still travel but not use ferry services and use other modes.

No sailings later in the evening e.g. after 8 p.m.

Responses to Question 5, as described in the text below

45 people would continue to use CalMac services as usual.

174 people would switch to using Western Ferries for the journey they currently make with CalMac. 50 would use both CalMac and Western Ferries while 16 people would still use CalMac ferry but travel less often

111 people would stop travelling completely, while 11% would still travel but use other modes such as cars.

Q6: Given the reasons for your current use of the service, which of the following changes would have the MOST impact on your day-to-day activities?

Responses to Question 6, as described in the text below

191 people said that a change to hourly sailings throughout the day would have the most impact on their day-to-day activities.

186 said that no sailings later in the evening, e.g. after 8pm would have the most impact. 66 people said that hourly sailings only during the off-peak hours and evening would impact them the most.

Q7: Given the reasons for your current use of the service, which of the following changes would have the LEAST impact on your day-to-day activities?

Responses to Question 7, as described in the text below

193 people said that hourly sailings only during the off-peak period would have the least impact on their day-to-day activities.

149 people said that no sailings later in the evening, e.g. after 8pm would have the least impact.

101 people said that hourly sailings throughout the day would impact them the least.

Q8: Do you own or have access to a car in your household?

Responses to Question 8, as described in the text below

82 respondents did not have access to a car.

271 respondents owned their car, 59 shared a car with someone else in their family and 30 had access to a car driven by others in the household.

Q9: What is your age?

Responses to Question 9, as described in the text below

133 respondents were between the ages of 55 and 64, 115 over 65 years of age and 106 were between 45 and 54 years of age.

42 respondents were in the age range of 35-44 years. 32 respondents were in the age range of 25-34 years and 14 were between 16-24 years of age.

Q10: What is your sex?

Responses to Question 10, as described in the text below

55% of the respondents were female, 40% respondents were male and 5% preferred not to answer.

Q11: Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months?

Responses to Question 11, as described in the text below

322 respondents said their daily activities were not limited because of a health problem or disability. 85 said their day-to-day activities were limited a little and 31 said their day-to-day activities were limited a lot.

Q12: What is your ethnic group?

Responses to Question 12, as described in the text below

The majority (332) of respondents to the survey identified as White Scottish or White British (62), with a small number of respondents (18) indicating they were from other ethnic groups.

13 respondents indicated that they did not know their ethnic group.

Q13: What is your net household income?

Responses to Question 13, as described in the text below

94 respondents’ net household income exceeded £50,000. 45 lived in households with income between £40,000 and £50,000 and 55 had income between £30,000 and £40,000.

50 respondents lived in households with net income between £25,000 and £30,000 and 36 had net household income between £20,000 and £25,000.

42 respondents had net household income between £15,000 and £20,000, 31 had net household income between £10,000-£15,000 and 19 respondents had net household income of under £10,000.