Penalty Charges

Penalty Charge Levels - Background

Under Section 74 of the Road Traffic Act 1991, as amended by the Orders designating the permitted and special parking areas in the local authority area, it is the duty of the local authority operating DPE to have regard to any guidance issued by the Scottish Ministers in respect of the levels of parking charges.

The current guidance dates to April 2023. The amounts payable by a motorist issued with a PCN by a local authority and – for general context – in respect of parking related Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued by Police Scotland, are as follows.

PCNs (DPE) can be set at an initial amount of up to £100 (this was increased from £60 as of 1 April 2023. Those amounts are discounted by 50% if paid within 14 days or increased by 50% if certain follow-up enforcement action is required. FPNs (not DPE) are in an initial amount of £30, rising to £45 if certain follow-up enforcement action is required.

Penalty charge levels for pavement, dropped kerb & double parking are broadly set at the same level however this is a set level of charge and local authorities must charge £100 for the initial amount rather than up to.

Number of PCNs issued by local authorities

Table 2 below indicates the number of PCNs that have been issued by local authorities with DPE powers over the last three financial years. The information is collated from information provided by the local authorities in question. Further information on these figures can be obtained from the relevant local authority.

Table 2: Number of Bus Lane Enforcement Charges issued by local authorities
Local Authority 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
Aberdeen City 25,721 27,325 30,968
Angus 3,988 3,913 3,913
Argyll & Bute 5,659 6,842 5,168
City of Edinburgh 156,047 167,474 180,454
Dundee City 21,634 29,193 35,985
East Ayrshire 6,801 6,620 6,471
East Dunbartonshire 10,890 7,852 6,353
East Lothian 12,107 11,858 9,442
East Renfrewshire 721 2,038 5,009
Falkirk 6,315 6,571 5,173
Fife 13,011 19,691 26,744
Glasgow City 109,297 145,081 184,957
Highland 12,812 14,728 19,501
Inverclyde 4,327 4,357 4,779
Midlothian 6,827 7,249 5,298
North Lanarkshire 9,003 12,948 10,861
Perth & Kinross 18,955 20,347 20,927
Renfrewshire 4,070 5,321 9,388
South Ayrshire 7,951 9,367 8,080
South Lanarkshire 13,341 20,023 17,933
Stirling 11,029 11,853 12,272

Table 3 below indicates the number of Bus Lane Enforcement Charges that have been issued by local authorities with DPE and Bus Lane Enforcement powers in the last three financial years. The information is collated from information provided by the local authorities in question. Further information on these figures can be obtained from the relevant local authority.

Table 3: Number of Bus Lane Enforcement Charges issued by local authorities with DPE (only applicable to local authorities with Bus Lane Enforcement powers)
Local Authority 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
Aberdeen City 83,482 56,109 65,325
City of Edinburgh 58,448 70,793 64,240
Glasgow City 95,068 86,904 55,017

Breakdown of PCNs by type for 2023/24 by DPE Authorities

It should be noted that figures for the new parking prohibitions brought in by the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019, pavement parking, double parking and parking at dropped kerbs, are only applicable from when it was brought into force on 11 December 2023 until 31st March 2024.

Table 4: Local authorities with DPE - Breakdown of PCNs by Type for 2023-2024
Local authority Pavement Parking Double Parking Dropped Kerbs PCNs for other Prohibitions
Aberdeen City 0 0 0 30,968
Angus 0 0 0 3,913
Argyll & Bute 0 0 0 5,168
City of Edinburgh 1173 336 236 178,709
Dundee City 76 24 1 35,884
East Ayrshire 0 0 0 6,471
East Dunbartonshire 0 0 0 6,353
East Lothian 0 0 0 9,442
East Renfrewshire 0 0 0 5,009
Falkirk 0 0 0 5,173
Fife 0 0 0 26,744
Glasgow City 0 0 0 184,957
Highland 254 0 0 19,247
Inverclyde 0 0 0 4,779
Midlothian 504 4 72 4,718
North Lanarkshire 0 0 0 10,861
Perth & Kinross 0 0 0 20,927
Renfrewshire 0 0 0 9,388
South Ayrshire 0 0 0 8,080
South Lanarkshire 0 0 0 17,933
Stirling 0 0 0 12,272

Financing of DPE

Ministers’ guidance to local authorities seeking to acquire DPE powers is that the system should insofar as possible be self-financing. Section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 provides that any deficit accrued by a local authority as a result of the authority’s operation of DPE must be made good out of the local authority’s general fund. Section 55 also requires that any surplus may only be used to make good any amount charged to the general fund over the preceding 4 years or for certain transport-related purposes including; the provision and maintenance of off-street parking or, where the local authority consider that further provision of off-street parking is not necessary or desirable, the provision or operation of (or facilities for) public passenger transport services; or for road improvement projects in the local authority area.

Under Section 55 of the 1984 Act, as amended, a local authority operating a DPE regime is required to keep an account of their income and expenditure in respect of designated parking places and additional parking charges, in the permitted and special parking areas.

The following table provides the income and expenditure figures for each of the 21 local authorities who have been operating DPE regimes in their areas from 2023 to 2024.