Notice of Determination

The A83 Trunk Road, (Rest And Be Thankful) (A83 Diversion Lanes) Project
Environmental Impact Assessment
Determination by the Scottish Ministers under Sections 20C And 55A of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984

The Scottish Ministers give notice that they have determined that The A83 Trunk Road, (Rest and Be Thankful) (A83 Diversion Lanes) Project is a road improvement project and is a relevant project within the meaning of sections 20C and 55A of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984, and falls within Annex II of Council Directive 2011/92/EU on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment (“the Directive”), and that having regard to –

  1. the selection criteria contained in Annex III of that Directive, namely –
    1. the size and design of the whole project
    2. cumulation with other existing and/or approved projects;
    3. the use of natural resources;
    4. the risks to human health (for example due to water contamination or air pollution);
    5. the existing and approved land use;
    6. the relative abundance, availability, quality and regenerative capacity of natural resources (including soil and land) in the area and its underground;
    7. wetlands and riparian areas;
    8. mountain and forest areas;
    9. nature reserves and parks;
  2. the results of the A83 Rest and be Thankful MTS Screening / Scoping Report,
  3. the information set out in the Record of Determination dated 13 December 2024

The project requires an Environmental Impact Assessment.

The main reasons for the conclusion that an Environmental Impact Assessment is required are that the project:

  1. is located wholly within the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park;
  2. has potential to result in significant impacts in relation to Population and Human Health, Geology and Soils and Landscape and Visual.

A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers
Transport Scotland, George House
2nd Floor 36 North Hanover Street
Glasgow G1 2AD

28 November 2024