How can these environmental effects be effectively managed, mitigated or enhanced?

The Environmental Report details proposed mitigation and enhancement measures for individual environmental effects identified that, if implemented, would result in an improvement of effects and overall scoring of the SAP and VPP components. These measures can be summarised as follows:

  • Consider changes to specific wording or adding of specific references in the description of SAP / VPP components, particularly to describe SAP Outcomes and VPP Objectives in a Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound (SMART) way) or to set out how progress towards the Outcomes / Objectives will be monitored in a SMART way; include specific reference to the protection and enhancement of the natural and historic environment; increase clarity on the use of terms such as ‘sustainability’ and implementation mechanisms for SAP Outcomes; and further emphasise the environmental and social benefits associated with some of the SAP and VPP components.
  • Consider the addition of policies to the ICP, particularly to include clear reference to overarching principles, such as the sustainable transport hierarchy, circular economy or waste hierarchy; and to develop a separate set of policies / principles to follow during new vessel design / construction, or during the planning of port upgrades.