What are the likely environmental effects of the ICP?
SAP Vision and Outcomes
Table 1 - Summary of the assessment of the ICP Vision and SAP Outcomes in relation to SEA objectives 1 – 9 outlines the scores applicable to the potential effects of the ICP Vision and SAP Outcomes (potential cumulative effects).
SAP Components |
1. Air Quality |
2. Noise |
3. Soil/ Sediment |
4. Water environment |
5. Biodiversity |
6. Cultural Heritage |
7. Landscape |
8. Material Assets |
9. Population & Human Health |
ICP Vision: “Scotland’s ferry services, supported by other transport services, will be safe, reliable, affordable and inclusive for residents, businesses and visitors enabling connectivity, sustainability and growth of island and peninsula communities and populations”. |
U |
U |
U |
U |
U |
U |
U |
P |
P |
SAP Outcomes: Potential cumulative effects (SAP Outcomes are associated with four main priorities: 1 – Reliable and Resilient; 2 – Accessible; 3 – Integrated; Low Carbon and Environmental Impact) |
P |
O/U |
O/U |
O/U |
O/U |
O/U |
O/U |
P |
PP |
Regarding the ICP Vision, whilst the primary drivers of the ICP directly / indirectly contribute to long-term benefits associated with SEA objectives 8 (material assets) and 9 (population and human health), it is not clear whether the ICP Vision would lead, in practice, to positive or negative effects on the natural and historic environment (SEA objectives 1 – 7), and accordingly these are rated as unknown.
Regarding the SAP Outcomes, although individually, Outcomes are identified to potentially have positive, neutral and unknown effects on SEA objectives 1 – 7, mainly because the number of services and associated vessel / vehicle / people movements may increase or decrease as a result of the ICP, in combination, there is a clear intent perceived to reduce the overall dependency on private vehicles to access ferry services by facilitating a better integration with public transport and encouraging active travel; and, for any new vessels / services to be more efficient and less polluting. Accordingly, SAP Outcomes are considered to have a not significant positive cumulative effect on SEA objective 1; no / unknown cumulative effects on SEA objectives 2 – 7; positive not significant cumulative effects on SEA objective 8 (material assets); and significant positive effects on SEA objective 9 (population and human health), as multiple and complementary benefits to ferry-dependent communities have been identified.
VPP Objectives and Project Categories
Table 2 - Summary of the assessment of VPP Objectives and Project Categories outlines the scores applicable to the potential cumulative effects of the VPP Objectives and Project Categories.
VPP Objectives |
1. Air Quality |
2. Noise |
3. Soil/ Sediment |
4. Water environment |
5. Biodiversity |
6. Cultural Heritage |
7. Landscape |
8. Material Assets |
9. Population & Human Health |
VPP Objectives: Potential cumulative effects |
P |
P |
U |
U |
U |
U |
U |
PP |
PP |
VPP Project Categories: Potential cumulative effects (Project Categories include A – Fleet renewal and B – Port upgrades) |
P |
P |
U |
U |
U |
U |
U |
PP |
PP |
Regarding the VPP Objectives, although individually, some Objectives are considered likely to have both negative and positive effects on SEA objectives 1 - 7 for various reasons. In combination, these are rated positive (not significant) for SEA objectives 1 (air quality) and 2 (noise), as the long-term benefits from the gradual decarbonisation of the vessel fleet and port infrastructure outweigh the potential short-term negative effects that may arise during port construction and the small-scale negative effects that may arise during ferry operations as a result of potential vessel fleet growth. On the other hand, cumulative effects on SEA objectives 3 – 7 are overall rated as unknown, as the long-term benefits to these SEA objectives are less clear. Significant positive cumulative effects are identified on SEA objectives 8 and 9 (material assets and population and human health), as individual positive effects are considered complementary and beneficial to strengthen port infrastructure and connectivity.
Regarding VPP Project Categories, the long-term benefits achieved through the increased adoption of modern and less polluting vessels and overall decarbonisation of the vessel fleet and port operations, are considered to overall have positive effects on SEA objectives 1 and 2; cumulative effects on SEA objectives 3 – 7 are also rated as unknown; and significant positive cumulative effects are identified on SEA objectives 8 and 9 (material assets and population and human health), as individual positive effects are considered complementary and beneficial to strengthen port infrastructure and connectivity.