What is Strategic Environmental Assessment and how has it been undertaken?

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) aims to offer protection to the environment by ensuring public bodies and those organisations preparing plans of a ‘public character’ consider and address likely significant environmental effects. The Environmental Report sets out the assessment findings and has been prepared in line with the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005.

Figure 2 - SEA process followed in relation to the ICP development illustrates the process followed through its main components, i.e. the SAP and the VPP.

Figure 2 - SEA process followed in relation to the ICP development, as described in the text above
Figure 2 - SEA process followed in relation to the ICP development

The assessment has been undertaken using a bespoke assessment framework, developed in consultation with statutory consultees, that interrogates the SAP and VPP components to target potential effects on agreed SEA topics, assessed in a qualitative manner, and identifies mitigation and enhancement measures aimed at avoiding / minimising negative environmental effects and/or enhancing positive effects.