Notice of Decision
A9 Dualling Programme – Crubenmore to Kincraig
Environmental Impact Assessment
Paragraph 7 of Schedule 1 of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984
The Scottish Ministers give notice that they have decided to proceed with the proposed Project to dual the A9 from Crubenmore to Kincraig.
The Scottish Ministers have complied with paragraph 7(1A) of schedule 1 of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 by taking into consideration–
a) The Environmental Statement (ES) and
b) the opinions on that report and the project which were expressed in writing by:Historic Environment Scotland; Scottish Natural Heritage (now NatureScot); Cairngorms National Park Authority; Scottish Environment Protection Agency; Atkins Global (Vodafone); Crown Estate Scotland (GIS); Mercury Communication; Telefonica and Vodafone; The Highland Council (Planning and Environment - Access Officer); The Highland Council (Development and Infrastructure Service); Cycle Friendly Kingussie; National Grid; Kingussie Community Development Company; Rights of Way and Access Society (ScotWays); Network Rail; The Highland Council; Royal Society for the Protection of Birds; Church of Scotland; Royal Zoological Society Scotland; Badenoch and Strathspey Conservation Group; opinions expressed in writing by others; and
The Scottish Ministers have taken into consideration (a) and (b) by –
- Reviewing the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and residual effects as reported in Chapter 22 (Summary of Significant Residual Effects) of the ES. This concluded significant residual effects for Community and Private Assets (adverse), Geology, Soils and Groundwater (adverse), Ecology and Nature Conservation (adverse and beneficial), Landscape and Visual (adverse), Road Drainage and the Water Environment (beneficial) and Cumulative impacts (adverse and beneficial).
- Reviewing the required mitigation and monitoring measures as specified in the Schedule of Environmental Commitments as presented in Chapter 21 of the ES. The mitigation and monitoring measures will be fully implemented and incorporated into the contract documents that will be developed to construct and operate the proposed Project.
- Reviewing the opinions from the consultation bodies and other Statutory representations detailed in point (b), acknowledging opinions and incorporating further requirements into Statutory Undertakings, that will, where appropriate be incorporated into the contract documents that will be developed to construct and operate the proposed Project. A summary of responses received following publication of the ES, and how these have been considered, is provided in Section 2 of the decision.
- Reviewing other environmental information such as the Assessment carried out under The Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations 1994, as amended, which concluded that the proposed Project would not result in an adverse effect on site integrity on the River Spey Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Insh Marshes SAC, River Spey – Insh Marshes Special Protection Area (SPA) and River Spey – Insh Marshes Ramsar.
Reasons for Decision
The Scottish Ministers have decided to proceed with the proposed Project for the following reasons –
- The proposed Project will provide a number of benefits including improved journey times and reliability, economic growth, improved connectivity and reduced rates and severity of accidents on the A9.
- The proposed Project is integral to delivering the overall benefits of the A9 Dualling Programme and without the proposed Project the benefits described above would not be fully realised and the Dualling Programme diminished.
- An ES was consulted on and published for the proposed Project. There are no outstanding objections.
- No statutory environmental consultees, namely NatureScot, SEPA, Historic Environment Scotland or Cairngorms National Park Authority, objected to the ES or proposed Project.
- The proposed Project complies with The Conservation (Natural Habitats, etc.) Regulations 1994, (as amended) and has concluded that the proposed Project will not result in an adverse effect on site integrity on the River Spey SAC, Insh Marshes SAC, River Spey – Insh Marshes SPA and River Spey – Insh Marshes Ramsar.
- The mitigation and monitoring measures committed to in the ES and the Statutory Undertakings will be fully implemented and incorporated into construction and operational contracts, where appropriate.
A full copy of the Scottish Ministers’ decision is available.
A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers
Transport Scotland
George House
2nd Floor
36 North Hanover Street
G1 2AD
16 December 2024