Our Actions for 2022 - 2023
This second Delivery Plan builds on the already announced measures on transport and headline areas of work from across Government, using the opportunity to focus on the actual actions and deliverables required to put these policy and strategy initiatives into effect.
The measures detailed within this Delivery Plan have been reviewed (predominately via the Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance) over a number of years and the detail in this plan is about what we expect will be delivered or commenced this year. This report provides a summary of this work and outlines how the individual actions will continue to progress the NTS2 vision and priorities.
The actions have been grouped using the four NTS2 priorities alongside a cross cutting group:
- Reducing Inequalities
- Taking Climate Action
- Helping Deliver Inclusive Economic Growth
- Improving our Health and Wellbeing

The Vision, Priorities and Outcomes were developed in collaboration with stakeholders across Scotland during 2019 and remain at the heart of the Strategy. The four priorities continue to provide the basis upon which we take decisions and evaluate the success of Scotland’s transport policies.
Cross cutting – Delivering on our Vision
While the majority of actions are grouped under the four priorities; over the coming year, we are progressing a range of actions which are cross cutting.
- We are progressing the on-going review of transport governance in Scotland to ensure it is fully aligned with the climate and traffic reduction targets, and to ensure that the national and local capacity is in place to deliver our active travel goals. In January 2022, the Transport Governance and Collaboration Working Group was reconvened. During 2022/23, work will be focused on expanding and updating the evidence base on transport governance and delivery across the country, including taking into account any Covid impacts on governance.
- In 2022, we will consult on draft statutory guidance, and subsequently put in place new duties, to prepare Regional Spatial Strategies which will in turn coordinate with Regional Transport Strategies. The new spatial strategy also sets out an approach whereby future places, homes and neighbourhoods will be better, healthier and more vibrant places to live, by reducing the overall volume of travel by building quality places that work for everyone through the concept of 20-minute neighbourhoods.
- In 2022, we will develop and publish a Remote, Rural and Island Housing Action Plan to meet the housing needs of, and retain and attract people to those communities.
- On 1 April 2022 we mobilised ScotRail Trains Ltd who will provide passenger services across Scotland and be managed by Scottish Rail Holdings (SRH); both companies have been established by the Scottish Government. This has brought ScotRail in to Public Ownership. During 2022 we will ensure an effective and efficient transition to the operation of ScotRail services. Key projects for 2022/2023 will include a review of rail retail plans and working with SRH to incorporate smart ticketing offerings as well as initiating a national conversation on rail passenger services provided by ScotRail with the objective of identifying areas for improvement including passenger experience, safety and perceptions of rail travel in Scotland.
- We will consult on women’s safety across public transport. This will involve working with national organisations, and groups who represent female staff working on the public transport network. We will report on the findings by the end of 2022.
Reducing inequalities
The aim is for everyone in Scotland to share in the benefits of a modern and accessible transport system. Transport plays a key role in enabling everyone to share in the benefits of a modern economy which promotes wellbeing. Transport should play an important part in delivering a fully inclusive society.
The actions we are taking across our transport system will continue to:
- Enhance choice and access to active travel and public transport
- Provide an inclusive transport system which improves affordability and accessibility of public transport
- Improve accessibility for residents, visitors and business
During the period 2022 to 2023 we will be working to reduce inequalities through the following actions:
Ensuring there is a viable and sustainable transport system for the future
- We are undertaking our Fair Fares Review to ensure a sustainable and integrated approach to public transport fares as we recover from the pandemic. The Fair Fares Review will look at the range of discounts and concessionary schemes which are available on all modes including bus, rail and ferry. The Fair Fares Review will also take into account the cost and availability of services, and will consider options taking cognisance of the relative changes to the overall cost of travel.
- After an extensive period of engagement with disabled people and organisations that represent them, we will publish our 2022-2023 Annual Delivery Plan for the Accessible Travel Framework in Summer 2022 which will set out the agreed priorities that disabled people have agreed will support improved door to door journeys.
Improving our railways
We continue to invest in our rail network, increasing access to employment opportunities and improving accessibility within Scotland.
- We have commenced construction of the Levenmouth rail link. The reinstatement of rail link will provide the area with a major boost to economic sustainability and connectivity. It will deliver opportunities for local people - unlocking access to education, culture, entertainment and employment options, as well attracting new business and investment. Transport Scotland and Network Rail are working closely with their industry partners, and currently expect to deliver this transformational project by Spring 2024.
- In spring 2022 we opened the new Reston Rail park and ride station with passenger services operating and we commenced construction of the new East Linton station. The new station at Reston supports public transport accessibility for East Berwickshire and enhances access to employment, education and leisure opportunities; supporting social inclusion and encouraging inward investment and tourism to the area. Improved access to public transport from East Linton will enable sustainable travel to and from the significant housing and employment growth taking place in the area, as well as creating new opportunities for tourism and leisure travel.
- Work on site has commenced to install new footbridges and lifts at Croy and Johnstone rail stations with completion anticipated by Autumn 2022. These Access for All schemes will see both stations become fully accessible through the provision of step-free access benefitting current and future passengers.
Improving bus services
We continue to work with Scotland’s bus services and operators and support in the recovery from the pandemic by providing sustainable travel options to meet people’s needs.
- We launched the Under 22 Free Bus Scheme in January 2022. Work will continue to monitor, evaluate and further promote the scheme. The evaluation of the Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel Scheme will assess whether the scheme is working as expected in achieving its objectives and benefits, and to monitor any potential negative impacts of the scheme on other policy aims and other modes of transport. The evaluation will assess the short and medium outcomes and the long term impact of the scheme by comparing conditions at different stages: i) baseline, ii) ex-post evaluation – six months after project implementation, iii) ex-post evaluation - one year after iv) ex-post evaluation – three years after v) ex-post evaluation – five years after.
- We launched freebus.scot in May to help improve communications about the Under 22 Free Bus scheme, simplify information about the application processes, encourage young people to use bus, and provide tips for young people, parents, guardians and carers on safe travel. Wider marketing campaigns will follow later this year.
- Over the period of this Plan, we will support local authorities to look at different ways of delivering bus services in their areas and making use of the provisions in the Transport Act 2019, as they are commenced. Local transport authorities will have the power to run their own bus services by July 2022 and secondary legislation to enable bus franchising and partnership options will be introduced before the end of 2023. We will continue to work with partners on the implementation of these measures
- We will develop the Community Bus Fund scheme, engaging with local government on the design and making funding allocations in 2022-23.
- We will support local authority-led partnerships to develop and implement bus priority measures. Up to £25.8m has now been awarded across Scotland under the Bus Partnership Fund to deliver bus priority on local roads. This is initial funding towards the delivery of bus priority on local roads and during 2022/2023 will fund short to mid-term projects and appraisal work to support local transport authorities towards developing business cases which will detail how the investment will achieve strategic objectives.
Takes Climate Action
We know that bold action is required to tackle the climate emergency and reach our net zero target. We also know that there are significant opportunities to be had in our moves towards a green, sustainable and active transport system.
Scotland’s hosting of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) has led to increased public awareness of the need to tackle climate change and the responsibilities which sit across society. We need to support people and businesses to make travel and transport choices that minimise the long-term impacts on our climate and that will increase the wellbeing of future generations.
Scotland must transition to a net-zero emissions economy for the benefit of our environment, our people, our communities and our future prosperity. We are continuing with our place based approach, underpinned by a commitment to a just transition to zero greenhouse gas emissions as well as to the community wealth building principles of creating benefits and opportunities equally for people across Scotland.
People and businesses will be supported to make alternative travel choices that help strengthen local economies and allow everyone to share in the benefits of taking climate action, while ensuring that those least able to pay are not unfairly burdened and that existing inequalities are tackled, not exacerbated.
Our actions will:
- Reduce the need to travel unsustainably
- Provide a sustainable transport system that contributes to zero emissions
- Create better connectivity with sustainable, smart, cleaner transport options
During the period 2022 to 2023, we will be taking action on the role of transport within climate change and working towards our net zero goals through the following actions:
Supporting the transition from car use to active travel
Cars currently make up over 75 per cent of total traffic volumes on our roads and the majority of all journeys in Scotland are made by car. We recognise that some private car use will need continue, especially for people in certain geographical areas and those with certain disabilities. However a significant proportion of existing car journeys have the potential to be made in other ways. We are committed to taking action across the full range of Scottish Government policy areas that will enable individuals and organisations to choose healthier, fairer and more sustainable travel options.
- We will continue to embed and support the changes necessary to meet the commitment to reduce Car KM by 20% by 2030, using a framework of sustainable travel behaviours that are applicable in both rural and urban settings as well as for those with a variety of mobility needs. “Reducing car use for a healthier, fairer and greener Scotland” was published in January 2022, and provides the route map to achieve a 20 per cent reduction in car kilometres by 2030. It sets out the actions we will take between now and 2030 to support each of the four sustainable travel behaviours: reducing the need to travel, living well locally, switching modes and combining trips or sharing journeys.
- We will undertake further exploration of options for demand management to discourage car use, including pricing. Additional research has been commissioned which will provide a short-list of options for further exploration and feasibility analysis. The aim is to develop a new Car Demand Management Framework by 2025, which will take into account the needs of people in rural areas and island communities, as well as those on low incomes and people with protected characteristics.
- We will update the guidance for local transport strategies to support national climate change objectives. To do this we will work with local authorities over the coming year to continue to ensure that their parking and local transport strategies have proper appreciation of climate change, as well as the impact on all users, including public transport operators, disabled motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.
Transforming bus travel
We continue to embed sustainable travel behaviours and progress with decarbonising our bus fleets and working with partners to ensure that the majority of our buses are zero emission from 2024. Our public transport system continues to be supported by over £500 million of long term investment in improved bus priority infrastructure to tackle the impacts of congestion on bus services, making journey times shorter and services more reliable, and encouraging people to leave their cars at home and to take the bus.
- We will continue to support the Bus Decarbonisation Taskforce co-design a pathway to zero emission buses. The Bus Decarbonisation Taskforce will publish the Bus Decarbonisation Pathway in summer 2022. We also completed the first phase of the Scottish Zero Emission Bus Challenge Fund (ScotZEB) which resulted in £62 million of awards. We are currently reviewing Phase 1 ahead of next steps.
- We will develop and engage on the smart ticketing and bus open data powers in the Transport Scotland Act 2019 and start to commence these. The analysis of the public consultation on the National Smart Ticketing Advisory Board, which closed in October 2021, was published on 11 March 2022 and work is underway to commence this. The Board will advise on improvements to smart integrated ticketing, considering factors such as a smart ticketing technological standard to improve multi-modal and multi-operator travel, improving its accessibility and ease of use.
- We will continue to support smart, integrated ticketing and payment services, to modernise and enable convenience for passengers accessing public transport. People can now use just one ‘universal’ smartcard for any smart ticket, allowing journeys across multiple modes of transport and multiple transport operators. Many passengers are transferring to the convenience of contactless payment from other methods such as ITSO smartcards or paper tickets. As such, we have supported growth in this area through our £1.1m Smart Pay Grant Fund so that over 95% of buses now accept this payment method. These developments will pave the way for improved integration and allow local authorities and operators to deliver smart integrated ticketing schemes.
- We will review the A96 corridor with a view to implementing appropriate bus priority measures. A transparent, evidence-based review of the route between Inverness and Aberdeen to include a climate compatibility assessment to assess direct and indirect impacts on the climate and the environment will be undertaken. The review will report by end of 2022.
Enabling the transition to electric vehicles
- We will continue to support low income communities who are more likely to be experiencing transport poverty through funding to develop EV car clubs. To deliver this, this year we will begin distributing £1.75m in grant funding via Energy Saving Trust. Car Clubs have been shown to reduce emissions, both by the fuel efficiency of the vehicles and by individuals reducing the mileage that they drive.
- We will hold the inaugural meeting of the EV Infrastructure Forum by the summer, which will be a key source of input and direction to the EV Infrastructure Project which will commence this year.
- In early 2022 we published the Vision Statement setting out the Future of public EV charging. To support this, we have launched a new £60m fund for new infrastructure pilots and projects. This will support an affordable, reliable and well-maintained network of charge points across Scotland.
- We will work with industry partners to develop and publish the vision for the decarbonisation of last mile delivery transport working with internal and external stakeholders by spring 2023.
- Reflecting on the need for advances in environmentally clean ways to travel, we will engage with UK Government to develop the legal framework for micromobility.
Investing in innovation
We are supporting advances in technology and new innovations through investment and research which will help increase the uptake and availability of low carbon and more efficient technologies and approaches.
- We will complete the procurement for digital travel data services to ensure continued and improved journey planning information in 2022. High-quality journey information services are essential to enable people to confidently use the public transport network and encourage modal shift to more sustainable travel.
- Via our £2m Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Investment Fund we have awarded 5 MaaS pilots which practically test the viability of the MaaS concept in Scotland. These offer innovative digital data-driven solutions that provide people with better information, and easier access to sustainable transport options, in order to make public transport travel a viable alternative to the car. i.e., providing a ‘one-stop-shop’ for multimodal journey planning and tickets.
- We are examining the scope for using hybrid and low carbon energy sources in the public sector marine fleet as part of our vessel replacement programme.
- During the period of this plan we will publish our 4th Carbon Management Plan for Transport Scotland. This will set out our pathway to becoming a Net-Zero public body and establish how we will work with our supply chain and stakeholders to influence their own targets
- We will publish Transport Scotland's Approach to Adaptation and Resilience. This will address the risks associated with changing weather patterns attributed to climate change and provide a strategic overview to our approach to adaption.
- We have published forecasts of demand for renewable electricity and hydrogen, by mode of transport, to provide confidence to the investment community.
- We will publish progress reports and comparative benchmarking illustrating fleet decarbonisation across the public sector critical to the achievement of the 2025 and 2030 targets.
Helps deliver inclusive economic growth
A thriving Scotland needs an effective transport system. Our transport networks help us to access education, jobs, and healthcare and are a vital link in the chain that supplies our goods and services. The transport system plays a crucial role in the successful performance of Scotland’s economy and ensuring regional cohesion. It enables people to get to work and ensures firms are able to get their goods and services to markets in Scotland and beyond. It is an important contributory factor in Scotland’s competitiveness, impacting on productivity of our labour force and the efficiency of businesses. We are proactively engaging with Local Authorities, Regional Transport Partnerships, Industry Boards, businesses and other groups to seek opportunities for collaboration and to support transport related aspects of key projects to encourage and promote growth across the country. We also continue respond to resilience challenges and planned Major events as they effect Scotland's strategic transport network, working collaboratively across the public and private sector and building on lessons learned.
Our actions will:
- Make better use of existing capacity
- Provide for an integrated transport system that contributes to sustainable economic growth
- Enable and sustain economic growth
- Improve accessibility for residents, visitors and business
During the period 2022 to 2023 we will support sustainable economic growth through the following actions:
Connecting people and places
We will make sure our communities are well connected, investing in new and better rail links, keeping ferry travel affordable for our islands, and taking forward targeted road improvements, whilst maintaining our commitment and progress to net zero.
- We will deliver a new station at Inverness Airport to serve the airport as well as the new town at Tornagrain and the growing Inverness Airport Business Park, by the end of 2022. This new, fully accessible station will have two platforms, connected via a footbridge with lifts. Both platforms will have ramped access for pedestrians and cyclists. A 64-space car park will include 10 electric vehicle charging points as well as four disabled spaces. There will also be cycle parking facilities for 20 bicycles on each platform. An active travel path connecting the new station and the airport terminal has recently been upgraded by Hitrans. A regular bus service will also connect the new station with the airport terminal. The new station will be served by hourly services between Inverness and Elgin, with some of these services continuing to Aberdeen. The new passing loop and second platform will enable existing end-to-end journey times to be maintained despite the additional stop. It will also produce additional capacity for passenger and freight services and will enhance the reliability of these.
- We will continue to work closely with Scotland's airports and airlines globally to help restore and grow Scotland’s international connectivity, without restoring previous levels of emissions. The partnership approach, involving Transport Scotland, VisitScotland and Scottish Development International will continue, with a particular focus on routes that are essential for inbound tourism, business connectivity and the economy as a whole. While route recovery is anticipated to take some time, work continues to help recover as many of these routes as possible. We will also use this partnership approach to help close the international connectivity gap with peer regions and nations.
- Within the year 2022 - 2023 we expect the Lochmaddy (North Uist) infrastructure works to be delivered which will support ferry services and resilience across the network. This forms part of the over £580 million of investment to support and improve Scotland’s ferry services that was announced as part of our wider five-year infrastructure investment plan, which also improvements to piers and harbours.
- Recognising the significant environmental benefits of rail freight, we will continue to support and facilitate modal shift to rail. We will continue to support companies who wish to transfer freight from road to rail or water with our freight mode shift grant schemes and investigate opportunities with colleagues and industry contacts to increase the effectiveness and impact of the funding streams available. In tandem, we will continue to work with port operators and hauliers to explore how Scottish exporters can have more direct, and resilient, routes to market.
- The draft Islands Connectivity Plan (ICP) will be published for consultation. This will replace, the Ferries Plan 2013-22. It will include objectives based on supporting delivery of NTS2 and the National Islands Plan, and develop proposals to meet those objectives which represent value for money. The ICP will be closely linked to the outcomes of the STPR2, in order to consider island connectivity more broadly, having regard to aviation, ferries and fixed links, and to connecting and onward travel.
Investing in innovation
It is not only passenger transport that has to adapt to the challenges around our changing climate and adopt low and zero carbon vehicles, our freight industry has also been asked to change considerably. The freight sector will have to respond to the increasing need to decarbonise through the use of new technologies and business models, as well as adapting to changing demands of consumers. We continue to work with public bodies, the automotive sector and Scotland’s innovation community to explore effective solutions to reduce emissions from the freight sector and make a significant positive contribution to the net-zero target.
- We will establish a new HGV Taskforce bringing together stakeholders from all sectors to develop and deliver a pathway to zero-emission HGVs.
- In October 2022 the construction of a drive train test bed facility at the MSIP site in Dundee will begin. The procurement of testbed equipment commenced in January 2022 with project completion forecast for early 2023/24.
- In June 2022 we will launch the £7m Zero Emission Mobility Innovation Fund to consolidate and streamline support for innovation in zero emission mobility, through rapid development of components, systems, batteries and vehicles needed to meet Mission Zero.
- Over the next year we will develop and publish a Transport Sector Skills Plan (SSP) in partnership with industry. Through our engagement with stakeholders, we know support is needed to ensure the sector can transition to net zero without exacerbating any pre-existing inequalities or creating new inequalities. The SSP will support transports just transition to net-zero emissions, it will comprehensively document the short, medium and long term skills and support workforce demand and supply challenges.
- Through our Zero Emission Mobility College (ZEMC) Programme, we will continue to work with ESP (formerly Energy Skills Partnership) through 2022/2023, the college sector agency for energy, engineering and construction, to build the capacity and capability in Scottish colleges to deliver skills training courses for people to work safely with electric and hydrogen vehicles and low carbon heavy duty vehicles. This will been achieved by working with Scottish colleges to develop courses and related equipment necessary to ensure that those working in the sales, repair, and maintenance of zero emission vehicles have the necessary knowledge and training to work with them safely.
- Through our support for Scottish Enterprise’s Zero Emission Heavy Duty Vehicle Programme we will provide increased opportunities for Scottish supply chain to benefit from the transition of heavy duty vehicles to zero emission by engaging with key stakeholders to build an greater understanding of the market for heavy duty vehicles in Scotland through analysis of key sectors including construction, agriculture and forestry, supporting innovation through Can Do calls and support for public sector procurement for innovative zero emission heavy duty vehicles.
Improving the roads network
During this period, new roads projects will be taken forward where they reduce the maintenance backlog; address road safety concerns or adapt the network to deal with the impacts of climate change or benefit communities such as bypassing settlements. We will take forward a number of improvements to trunk roads to mainland remote communities. We will design and deliver the programme of already committed trunk road improvement projects, supporting local and regional economies sustainably. We are clear that we will not build road infrastructure to cater for forecast unconstrained increases in traffic volumes and that new roads projects will normally only be taken forward where they reduce the maintenance backlog; address road safety concerns or adapt the network to deal with the impacts of climate change or benefit communities, as outlined in the Shared Policy Programme.
- We will continue to take forward design and assessment work on medium and long term solutions to landslip risks at the A83 Rest and Be Thankful. We expect to announce a preferred route option for the long term solution during 2023.
- We are progressing a range of infrastructure improvement projects related to the City Deals. This includes the detailed development and assessment work of the preferred option for the A9/A82 Longman junction scheme. We also continue to progress the A9/A96 Inshes to Smithton, A720 Sheriffhall and A90/A937 Laurencekirk schemes through the statutory process.
- The A737 Improvements at Beith project has completed its statutory processes and is progressing through necessary governance procedures. Whilst the Scottish Government remain committed to taking the project forward, procurement will commence when sufficient funding is available to support its construction.
- Dualling the A9 Between Perth and Inverness - We will continue to progress the procurement of the construction contract for the Tomatin to Moy section which is expected to be awarded in the second half of 2022. We will continue to progress design work and the statutory processes for the remaining eight schemes, as well as assessing procurement options. When completed the dualling programme will bring many benefits to local communities, businesses, visitors and road users living, travelling and working along the corridor including reduced journey times, improved journey time reliability, improved road safety and opportunities for active travel.
- We will continue to progress the preparation of A96 Dualling Inverness to Nairn (including Nairn Bypass) scheme with a view to completing the statutory process. This work is separate from the wider A96 Corridor Review which is currently being undertaken - a transparent, evidence-based review of the programme which will report by the end of 2022.
- On the A82 Tarbet to Inverarnan we will continue to progress the detailed development and assessment work of the preferred option for the scheme.
Improves our health and wellbeing
In order to be empowered to make healthy choices and enjoy the places we live, it is important to feel and be safe and secure – whether you are walking, wheeling, cycling or using public transport. Our transport system and our built environment needs to offer trust and confidence for users to reach their destinations without fear or threat. We are establishing a Transport and Strategic Health Advisory Board to support a joint approach to tackling transport and health challenges.
Our actions will:
- Improve our health and wellbeing
- Give priority given to walking and wheeling, then cycling
- Provide a cohesive transport system that enhances communities as places – supporting health/ wellbeing
- Create better connectivity with sustainable, smart, cleaner transport options
During the period 2022 to 2023 we will improve health and wellbeing through the following actions:
Cleaning up our cities
Poor air quality disproportionately impacts on vulnerable groups and can shorten average life expectancy. We will encourage the use of active and sustainable travel modes when accessing city centres, whilst also supporting the uptake of cleaner vehicles. Low Emission Zones set an environmental limit on certain road spaces, restricting access for the most polluting vehicles to improve air quality. This helps protect public health within our towns and cities, making them more attractive places in which to live, work and to visit.
Vehicles that do not meet the emission standards set for a Low Emission Zone will not be able to drive within the zone. A penalty charge will be payable by the vehicle’s registered keeper when a non-compliant vehicle enters the LEZ. Whilst the Scottish Government sets the national framework for LEZs, it is for local authorities to design their LEZs as they see fit. This includes choosing an enforcement timeline (and associated grace period) which best fits their own LEZ proposal, in tandem with the potential for a phased approach towards enforcement. With regards to monitoring, the Scottish Government’s proposal is to use the existing network of air quality sensors and diffusion tubes, in tandem with the National Modelling Framework (NMF) model data points, to evaluate the effectiveness of Low Emission Zones.
- Low Emission Zones (LEZs) will be introduced in Scotland's four largest cities (Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee and Glasgow) from May 31 2022. It is planned that enforcement in Glasgow will begin from June 2023 (with an additional year for vehicles registered within the zone), and in Aberdeen, Dundee and Edinburgh enforcement will begin during 2024. In order to deliver this, over the next year:
- We will deliver a Vehicle Certification Agency agreement for the certification of LEZ enforcement systems.
- We will complete an Equalities Impact Assessment with regard to the LEZ exemption scheme for Blue Badge holders, with engagement undertaken by June 2022.
- We will develop LEZ Appeals regulations, under the Transport (Scotland) Act. We will work from local authorities to introduce LEZ plans including provision of signage on trunk road network.
Committing to ‘Generation Active Travel’
We are investing in access to active travel through the Scotland Cycle Repair Scheme 2, free bikes for kids pilots and increased investment in active travel. Our mission to tackle the poverty related attainment gap is as important as ever, and we are committed to strengthening the links between this and our national mission on child poverty. By removing the barriers faced as a result of low income we can ensure children and young people have the same opportunities to succeed, regardless of their backgrounds – improving their outcomes now and in the future. By improving access to sustainable travel for children and young people we can remove cost barriers and help to develop healthy travel habits in the long term Last year, it was announced that there would be an increase in the proportion of Transport Scotland’s budget spent on Active Travel initiatives so that by 2024-25 at least £320m or 10% of the total transport budget will be allocated to active travel.
- In August 2021 we launched the first six pilots to test how best to deliver the commitment to “provide free bikes for all children of school age who cannot afford them”, a further 4 pilots were launched by the end of 2021. The pilots focus on testing models of delivery and procurement, covering both rural and urban areas with provision made for the requirement of those who use adapted bikes to match the need of the rider. The programme is being independently reviewed, an interim report was published March 2022 and the final report is due late Summer 2022. A partial upscaling of the rollout will happen between August 2022 and March 2023, with a full solution likely in the first half of 2023
- We will support young people travelling to education in a safe and healthy manner through a range of projects and funding. In 2022-23 we are investing £1.32 million in Bikeability Scotland cycle training and awareness training for school aged children across the country. Cycling Scotland aiming to increase delivery to 52% of all schools in 2022-23 and 57% by 2023-24.
- The Sustrans Places for Everyone programme will reopen on 25 July 2022; Sustrans’ Grant for 2022-23 includes conditions to ensure they will encourage more school-focussed projects. To support this, they will publish specific guidance for local authorities on projects that promotes school projects as a specific theme for grant awards.
- This year we have more than doubled the funding for Living Streets to £550,000. This will support a range of projects in our communities. A range of activities and initiatives will be focussed on schools, with the objective of supporting more children to get to school safely and actively. This includes;
- Supporting 160 schools with WOW, the walk to school challenge – including the Scotland Walk of Fame
- Offering Walk to school week/month resources to 300 primary schools including feedback form for future years work
- Supporting 6 secondary schools through our Next Steps activity – focusing on curriculum support to empower pupils to deliver walking interventions
- Supporting 15 nursery / early years settings focused on mixed learning campuses through our Little Feet intervention
- The Paths for All Smarter Choices Smarter Places Open Fund supports a number of third sector and other public sector organisations, including Schools, for projects that encourage a shift to active and sustainable travel. In 2022/23 Paths for All will be engaged in early-stage work to explore ways to support capacity within local authorities to more effectively deliver behaviour change in schools, and to streamline support, reporting, and evaluation around Transport Scotland funded work in schools.
- We will hold a public consultation on the Cycling Framework and Delivery Plan for Active Travel in Scotland during the period of this plan,. While the Framework and Delivery Plan will acknowledge the importance of all types of cycling, its focus is on cycling for active travel on everyday journeys and modal shift from the private car.
- We will engage on; develop design standards for; and pilot the location of an active freeway network for Scotland. Active freeways will encourage more people to walk, wheel and cycle more often by providing high-quality direct active travel routes, segregated from traffic, on busy corridors in large urban areas. By improving safety, active freeways would help to address fear of road danger, the biggest single barrier to increasing active travel.
Delivering safer roads
Improving safety is particularly important and during the year ahead we will progress our work to reduce road casualties and help to deliver the outcomes of Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2030. Our 2030 vision is for Scotland to have the best road safety in the world, with a long-term goal of Vision Zero, where there are zero road fatalities and serious injuries by 2050. An ambitious interim target for 2030 involves halving the number of people being killed or seriously injured on Scotland’s roads. Safety improvements would also reduce delays associated with accidents and improve route reliability.
- We are working to increase the safety of our transport system. We will ensure all appropriate roads in built up areas will have a safer speed limit of 20 mph by 2025. A multi-stakeholder task group was established in Dec 2021 and is continuing to meet to progress this commitment and develop a wider National Strategy for 20 mph speed limits (the Strategy). The Strategy also supports the Strategic Transport Projects Review 2 and Scotland Road Safety Framework to 2030, it seeks to reduce perceptions of road danger, encourage people to walk, wheel and cycle, and create more pleasant streets and neighbourhoods by providing a more equitable balance between different road users and will contribute to the implementation of the safe system.
- The task group will consider the evidence and agree on the most effective route to implement 20 mph speed limits which will shape and define the strategy, looking across a range of policies that assist Government national outcomes and indicators that are relevant to this area and identifying wider objectives in those policies to assist in the further delivery of 20 mph zones and limits on those roads where it is appropriate to do so. The group are exploring the parameters to help determine a consistent method which will allow road authorities to undertake an assessment of the local and trunk road networks by spring 2023. The road assessment will identify the number of roads affected, the requirements for implementation and the financial costs. Research is also underway to identify the most effective approach in regards to a national communications plan for pre and post implementation of 20 mph speed limits, with further research planned to develop a suite of speed management measures to bring about speed compliance.
- We will introduce regulations in 2022 to bring national enforcement of pavement parking bans in 2023, with exemptions as designated by local authorities. We will also work with local authorities to provide support and ensure that local transport strategies fairly consider the needs of climate change, as well as the impact on road users, including pedestrians, cyclists, public transport users and disabled car users in their approach to car parking
- We will implement a National Speed Indicator and increase the use of visual deterrents and enforcement across the road network with the aim of improving speed limit compliance and further enhancing safety across the road network. Transport Scotland have worked with the operating companies and local authorities to install speed indicators across the country and the monitoring and research of speed provides insight into not only speed compliance but driver behaviours. The collected data will inform an analytical product that will be used to identify patterns and issues, thereby focusing partnership efforts to improve safety in the right places on the road network.
- We will work with Police Scotland to develop a one-year pilot project to develop an online reporting system, enabling anyone to upload camera footage of dangerous driving. The Road Safety Framework Fund has provided grant funding to Police Scotland. In 2022, Police Scotland will examine the feasibility of extending the National Dashcam Safety Portal (NDSP) scheme to Scotland, with a view to undertaking a one year pilot in early 2023. This online reporting system which enables anyone to upload camera footage of dangerous driving, currently operates in police forces in England and Wales.
- We will raise a national conversation on road safety across all of Scotland over the next three years including a Scottish Road Safety Week (SRSW) and a new Road Safety website. This includes the introduction of Scotland’s Road Safety Week (which took place on 21 March 2022, with the Road Safety Scotland annual seminar taking place on 23 March 2022).
- We will produce and publish the Road Safety Framework 2020 final annual report and we will start developing the Second Delivery Plan for the Road Safety Framework 2030. We published the second delivery plan in Spring 2022.