Traffic Management on A737 Dalry Bypass to carry out essential work
Road users are advised that the A737 Dalry Bypass will be closed overnight on Monday 10th March from 0000 hrs to 0600 hrs to install lane restrictions. A signed diversion will be in place.
The lane restrictions will be located between Blair Road overbridge and the Hillend roundabout for approximately 12 weeks to allow essential work to the verge to be completed. During this time the carriageway will be limited to a single lane of traffic in each direction.
A temporary 40 mph speed limit will also be in place for the safety of road workers and road users.
Hok-Weng Chau, Transport Scotland’s Project Manager said:
“We anticipate that this could cause a minor delay to journeys and would ask that road users allow more time and plan their journey ahead.”
The diversion route in place for the overnight closure will be from Hillend Roundabout via the B714, B870 and B777.