A83 Taskforce - Meeting minutes - 30 January 2025
- Fiona Hyslop MSP (FH) – Cabinet Secretary for Transport
- Paul Richardson (PR) – Office of Cabinet Secretary for Transport
- Kier Low (KL) – Office of Jenni Minto MSP
- Gemma Corbett (GC) – Office of Rhoda Grant MSP
- Tracy Carmichael (TC) – Office of Jackie Baillie MSP
- Lawrence Shackman (LS) – Transport Scotland
- Gavin Dyet (GD) – Transport Scotland
- Gordon Ramsay (GR) – Transport Scotland
- James Porteous (JP) – Transport Scotland
- Stuart Moffat (SM) – Transport Scotland
- Anthony Ross (AR) – Transport Scotland
- Scott Lees (SL) – Transport Scotland
- Ian Woodcock (IW) – Transport Scotland
- Rory Gunn (RG) – AtkinsRealis WSP Joint Venture
- Caroline Trainer (CT) – AtkinsRealis WSP Joint Venture
- Ged Mitchell (GM) – BEAR Scotland
- Mike Baxter (MB) – BEAR Scotland
- Steve Deykin (SD) – BEAR Scotland
- Euan Scott (ES) – BEAR Scotland
- Alexandria Herdman (AH) – Logistics UK
- Cathy Craig (CC) – Wild About Argyll
- Colin Moulson (CM) – Bid for Dunoon / A83 Campaign Group
- Cllr Dougie Philand (DP) – Argyll & Bute Council
- Gordon Ross (GRo) – Western Ferries
- Gordon Watson (GW) – Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park
- Hugh O’Neill (HO) – Argyll and Bute Council
- Iain Catterwell (IC) – Argyll Timber Transport Group
- Jane MacLeod (JMacL) – Mid Argyll Chamber of Commerce
- Cllr Jennifer Kean (JK) – Argyll & Bute Council
- Cllr Jim Lynch (JL) – Argyll & Bute Council
- Cllr John Armour (JA) – Argyll & Bute Council
- Cllr Maurice Corry (MC) – Argyll & Bute Council
- Cllr William Sinclair (WS) – Argyll & Bute Council
- John Gurr (JGu) – RaBT Campaign Group Chair
- John Hair (JH) – Forestry and Land Scotland
- Lucy Sumsion (LSu) – National Farmers Union Scotland
- Martin Bell (MBe) – Roah Haulage Association
- Martin Reid (MR) – Road Haulage Association
- Neil Hunter (NH) – Calmac Ferries
- Neil Macrae (NM) – Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership
- Nicholas Sobey (NS) – Highlands and Islands Enterprise
- Ranald Robertson (RR) – Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership
- Rory Cormack (RC)
- Stephen Hall (SH) – Argyll & Bute Council
- Stuart Watson (SW) – Argyll and Bute Council
- Terry Williams (TW) – Calmac Ferries
- Arianne Burgess MSP
- Edward Mountain MSP
- Tim Eagle MSP
- Jackie Baillie MSP
- Jillian Brown – Argyll and Bute Council
- Matthew Mundell – B. Mundell Ltd
- Finlay MacRae – CalMac
- Neil Hunter – CalMac
Part 1 – A83 Rest and Be Thankful
The Cabinet Secretary for Transport Fiona Hyslop MSP (FH) welcomed everyone to the 28th A83 Taskforce meeting, which was held virtually on MS Teams.
FH expressed her concern and sympathies to those living in the Argyll and Bute area who have been severely impacted by recent storms, and praised first responders and road operators for their response work.
FH informed the group that positive engagement with stakeholders will continue through the A83 Taskforce, and reaffirmed the Scottish Government’s ongoing commitment to Argyll and Bute to ensure the A83 is open for business. FH noted the importance of the A83 and its connection to the communities and economy of the Argyll and Bute area.
FH noted that the Scottish Government has now commenced the Statutory Process following the publication of draft Orders and Environmental Impact Assessment Reports for the Medium and Long-Term Solutions on 13 December 2024, which marked a significant milestone for the project.
FH continued to note that progress following the publication of draft Orders will depend on the level and nature of any representations, including any objections which are lodged during the formal consultation period which ends on 7 February 2025.
FH emphasised that at the same time, the Scottish Government is pushing forward to deliver medium term improvements to the Old Military Road (OMR) to make it a more resilient diversion route until the long-term solution (LTS) is in place. Phase 1 of these works, which comprises the realignment of the southern end of the route, became operational in Spring 2024. It is expected that the remainder of the medium-term improvement works will be carried out on a phased basis, starting with fencing works above the A83 which are planned to commence later this year.
FH also confirmed that ground investigation works for the medium-term solution (MTS) is now complete, and a separate ground investigation contract for the LTS is currently on site.
Introduction and Apologies
FH provided an introduction to the meeting, noting that Transport Scotland officials and their technical advisers will provide updates on work which has been completed since the last A83 Taskforce meeting in September 2024. This will include updates on the medium and long-term solutions, as well as an update on the current conditions and monitoring on the hillside from BEAR Scotland.
FH continued to draw attendees attention to the Terms of Reference document which was shared in advance of the meeting, and advised that the structure of the A83 Taskforce was being amended for this and future A83 Taskforce meetings. FH will chair the first part of the meeting, which will focus on works at the A83 Rest and Be Thankful, and thereafter will hand over to officials at Transport Scotland to lead discussions on the road operation and maintenance on the wider A83 Trunk Road.
FH added that apologies were received and noted.
Actions from previous minutes
FH noted minutes from the previous A83 Taskforce meeting in September 2024 have been published and taken as agreed. FH then handed over to Gordon Ramsay (GR) to provide an update on actions from the previous minutes.
Action 1
TS / BEAR Scotland to share the outcomes of the ongoing investigation into why there is still movement on the hillside.
GR commented that evolving waterflow paths high on the hillside had directed water into the area, between the channels causing it to become highly saturated over several weeks of constant wet weather. A further moderate period of heavy rain then triggered the event in September 2024. Following the event, work was undertaken to reinstate the original flow paths and allow the area to dry out. It has been closely monitored since and no significant movement has been noted.
Action 2
BEAR Scotland to investigate what improvements can be made to communicating / preparing for unplanned events requiring the use of the long diversion or the OMR to mobilise, including the reintroduction of electronic signage.
GR responded that the events in September 2024 were highly unusual, as is the need to utilise the long diversion route. The management of Rest and be Thankful is based on evidence and experience gathered over many years, the events of September 2024 and the follow up monitoring has been incorporated into the live management plan. This includes when the OMR should be proactively mobilised and then stood down. Given the communication network built up through the stakeholder list and the very rare occasion the full diversion route is needed, mobile Variable Message Signs are no longer available at Inveraray. Fixed signs will be deployed as and when necessary.
Action 3
Martin Reid of the Road Haulage Association to investigate potential alternative comms methodologies to ensure road users/hauliers are made aware of any closures.
GR commented that discussions are ongoing and that this action remains open.
Action 4
BEAR Scotland to ensure the electronic signage at Inveraray is operational and is updated.
GR referred back to Action 2 and confirmed that the signage will be removed and fixed signs will be used as and when necessary.
Action 5
Transport Scotland to investigate the issues surrounding speeding at the Cairndow junction and consider escalating this matter.
GR confirmed investigations and discussions are ongoing, and this action remains open.
Action 6
A83 Taskforce Members to indicate their preference for an in person or virtual meeting for the January 2025 A83 Taskforce meeting.
GR confirmed that a virtual meeting was confirmed as the preferred option for this meeting.
FH thanked GR for the updated and noted some positive developments have been made. FH continued to request updates on the open actions to be made at the next meeting.
Action 28.1 Transport Scotland to provide updates on the open actions from 27th A83 Taskforce at the next A83 Taskforce meeting in May 2025.
BEAR Scotland update on current mitigation and current condition of the hillside
FH invited Ged Mitchell (GM) from BEAR Scotland to provide an update on the BEAR Scotland works at the Rest and Be Thankful. GM introduced himself and presented slides which included an update on the hillside monitoring at the Rest and Be Thankful, the response to events of 15 and 18 September 2024, and the works with Forestry and Land Scotland.
A copy of the slides can be found in Annex A.
FH thanked GM for his presentation and invited questions from members.
Jane MacLeod (JMacL) noted the BBC communications recently has been very poor and this is impacting businesses financially, particularly those in mid-Argyll, as a result of this poor and inaccurate communication. JMacL raised her concerns in an email to GR last week.
FH noted that positive progress was made previously with regards to communications and confirmed that she was content to communicate directly with the Director at the BBC to ensure communications are improved. FH reiterated that the specific wording provided from the BBC is particularly important and noted that the BBC do not seem to understand the implications of these errors in reporting.
Action 28.2 Transport Scotland to share letter received from JMacL with Private Office, and Cabinet Secretary to write to the BBC to improve communications.
Lucy Sumsion (LSu) agreed that often BBC communications are meaningless and reemphasised the need for communications to be accurate. LSu continued to note that speed bumps are currently on the A83 and queried the need for them, asking if there had been any speeding issues to date.
GM responded that BBC Scotland have confirmed they do not have a travel desk and use a third-party supplier Inrix for these travel updates, which is where the breakdown in communications seems to be. FH reiterated her discontent and committed to follow up directly with the BBC.
GM noted rumble strips (speed ramps) are lifted for snow events to allow gritters to spread but are generally in place to prevent vehicles from speeding through the traffic works area to protect the workforce. GM made particular reference to operatives observing vehicles speeding to get past traffic lights on an amber signal. If these rumble strips are not in place, this puts the workforce in danger.
Cllr William Sinclair (WS) suggested that communications be also directed to Argyll and Bute Council communications team who can disseminate traffic information immediately and share online. Visitors to Argyll & Bute are likely to check these social media channels for travel updates.
FH responded that the Transport Scotland communications will touch base with the council to develop a solution moving forward in terms of content.
Action 28.3 Transport Scotland Communications Team to liaise with Argyll and Bute Council to discuss communications plan.
Cllr Maurice Corry (MC) noted resolving an issue with roadside notices on the M74 motorway, and lessons learned there could be of benefit. Road signage could be improved or implemented to improve the communications here using the lessons learned.
FH noted the need to be “sharper and slicker” with messaging.
Cllr John Armour (JA) noted he was grateful that FH is going to reach out to BBC. The wording used needs to be exact. JA noted that when corrections are made, BBC representatives don’t seem to take this seriously.
Cllr Dougie Philand (DP) noted there is a perception that there is not a lot of work being done on site and asked for more information to be provided to allow Argyll and Bute Council to cascade this down to the public, e.g. why are the current traffic management operations needed?
GM responded that the traffic management currently in place is a result of the LTS ground investigation works and is not a result of BEAR Scotland works. GM noted that BEAR is about to commence works upslope and downslope at the Rest and Be Thankful and emphasised that BEAR will issue communications for this work.
FH asked Transport Scotland to ensure contractors working on site provide regular communications updates as part of the communications channels not just BEAR.
Action 28.4 Transport Scotland to ensure communications updates are issued regularly in relation to the ongoing ground investigation works.
Update on progress of Medium and Long -Term Solutions
FH invited GR and Rory Gunn (RG) of AtkinsRealis WSP Joint Venture to provide an update on the ongoing ground investigation work, and the MTS and LTS.
GR noted draft Orders and Environmental Impact Assessment Reports for both the MTS and LTS have been published and noted that public exhibitions were held recently throughout Argyll and Bute.
GR passed over to RG who provided an update on the LTS and MTS including an update on the statutory process and indicative timescales, draft Orders public exhibitions and the ongoing ground investigations.
A copy of the slides can be found in Annex B.
General Discussion
FH thanked RG for his presentation and highlighted that it is ground investigation works for the LTS which are currently on-site and asked attendees if they had any questions?
JMacL noted her membership in the A83 RaBT Campaign Group and noted it has been a number of years since the road was open with two-way traffic, which is a key ambition for the Campaign Group. JMacL noted that this did not appear to be a priority for the project and asked why ensuring the road is open two-way at all times is not being made a priority?
GR responded to say that a round-table meeting was held in June 2024 with the A83 RaBT Campaign Group, attended by JMacL, which explained the reasons why the preferred route for the LTS was selected during the route option assessment process and also for the MTS, including the reasons why a two-way road was not taken forward. GR noted the Campaign Group’s preference for the “green” option which was the two-way road through the forestry track, and reemphasised the reasons why this was not taken forward, including the ongoing susceptibility for landslips to occur on the other side of the glen. The assessment took cognisance of the need to use the Old Military Road (OMR) for diversionary traffic but reiterated that all options were fully explored during the decision-making process.
JA asked that Transport Scotland’s Roads and Ferries directorates work together to find routes for larger vehicles to use ferries as an alternative to the A83. JA noted that with the new ferries in place, ferry services could be implemented from Campbeltown or Islay to Ardrossan or Troon. JA asked that roads and ferries to work together to introduce these new services.
FH responded that she has asked Roads and Ferries directorates at Transport Scotland to work together following previous A83 Taskforce meetings. FH continued to note that the new budget being put forward is more supportive of freight grants, and is being explored. FH noted that she met with the Scotch Whisky Association last year on these issues and confirmed current investments will support the Scotch Whisky Association. A Campbeltown ferry is not feasible at this time due to resilience issues, but Transport Scotland officials are working on this.
GR noted that Ferries and Major Projects directorates are in discussion to discuss options for freight, and that Transport Scotland officials have met with Western Ferries and the Road Haulage Association recently to discuss these opportunities, particularly during construction of the LTS.
FH noted that this is positive work and needs to have longer term plans covering a number of years, and support Argyll and Bute Council. Planning out what this looks like would be beneficial.
Action 28.5 Transport Scotland to provide update on planning for ferries being used for haulage.
DP noted it is positive to see the project is a priority for the Scottish Government. DP asked where the Rest and Be Thankful sits on the priority list.
FH responded it is not a “list” but the project was noted in the second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) and the First Ministers Programme for Government. FH continued to note delivery will take place over a number of years which is challenging when dealing with annual budgets; however it is understood that the UK Government is developing a multi-year capital plan which will aid the Scottish Government’s forward planning.
WS said he appreciated Transport Scotland hosting public exhibitions in Dunoon. WS noted his agreement with others in relation to the resilience of the ferries. The use and diverting of traffic onto the ferries needs to be “fair” and further investigation is required. WS noted the people in Dunoon do feel isolated.
FH responded that her colleague Jim Fairlie MSP is currently looking into the Islands Connectivity Plan.
John Gurr (JG) reiterated the need for a two-way road to be in place and noted it has been 4.5 years since the Rest and Be Thankful was two-way. JG noted that the trailer with fencing has been in place since last year and the public is still waiting for this fencing to be installed since May 2024, when BEAR Scotland committed to installing these fences by the Autumn, but this has not been delivered. JG noted the continual series of events seems to keep the road on single lane running. There needs to be a sense of urgency to deliver these works and get the road back to two-way operation.
JG would like to see some reassurance relating to funding of the LTS, and asked if there had been any objections to date, and what the programme will look like after the objection period ends.
FH noted that it would not be appropriate to comment on any representations until after 7 February 2025.
GM commented that the temporary fencing on the trailer is in place until 60m of new permanent fencing is installed. GM continued to note this the work was originally programmed to commence in Autumn 2024 but the geotechnical certification process had taken longer than anticipated. GM confirmed the works will commence in mid-February 2025.
GR also responded noting the volume and nature of any objections cannot be discussed until after 7 February 2025. GR said if there are no objections, as per the indicative timeline included in RG’s presentation, concluding the Statutory Process can take up to one year for a project of this scale, and thereafter the procurement of a contractor can commence, which is likely to take approximately one year. GR noted these are indicative timescales only and it is very challenging to give an exact timeline.
LSu noted it was not clear to what extent the OMR will be in operation during construction of the LTS and this was not widely known. LSu also noted the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) Stage 3 Report was unclear in respect of the number of days the OMR would be in use during construction of the LTS, with the Report stating 365 days. LSu stated than when the OMR is in operation, local businesses can see a 20% drop in revenue on weekends. LSu continued to note that the negative sides of using the OMR for that length of time was not included in the reporting, and that the number of businesses that would go out of business was not included. LSu continued to note that the MTS Scheme Assessment Report states the wider economic impact of the MTS has not been assessed, and that this was a huge failure to the people of Argyll and Bute. LSu queried if there will be speed ramps included on the MTS, as these could damage vehicles.
GR asked LSu to submit an email to TS with the particular queries she has but commented in relation to the use of the OMR, as assessed in the DMRB Stage 3 Report, this means 365 days per year, not 365 days in total but Transport Scotland will review and confirm this in a return email. GR continued to note that the need for traffic management has been publicised regularly and has been included in all public exhibitions. The contractor for the LTS will be made aware of the importance of minimising disruption to road users and could be incentivised to achieve this. Rumble strips or speed bumps are likely to be needed to prevent speeding and protect the workforce.
RG added that the MTS is a proportionate medium-term scheme that will not meet all the standards typically associated with a trunk road. This means speed restrictions will need to be implemented. RG added that in relation to the traffic and economic assessment, the impacts of using the OMR have been documented in the LTS reporting but was not included in the medium term assessment as it will be very similar to how the OMR currently operates, with no fundamental change when compared to the existing conditions.
JG noted that there is already an economic impact on the area via business closures. Having an economic assessment that does not include these things is concerning. JG asked to see the economic assessment calculations if they are available.
Action 28.6 Transport Scotland to share Traffic and Economic Assessment information with the A83 Campaign Group.
FH noted this action will be for Transport Scotland to address, however added that JG had already submitted an email on 14 January 2025 which was circulated to the A83 Taskforce, as was the response issued by TS.
Summary and date of next meeting
FH thanked all attendees for their contributions and confirmed Transport Scotland will arrange for the minutes of today’s meeting to be circulated to A83 Taskforce members and added the next A83 Taskforce meeting will be arranged for May 2025.
FH then handed over to Transport Scotland officials to progress to the next part of the meeting before leaving.
Part 2 – A83 Operation and Road Maintenance
Lawrence Shackman (LS), Transport Scotland’s Director of Major Projects introduced himself and welcomed the discussion so far today. LS invited GM to provide a further update on the ongoing maintenance and operations work on the wider A83 Trunk Road.
BEAR Scotland update on current ongoing road operation and maintenance
GM provided update on the current ongoing road operation and maintenance programme on the wider A83 Trunk Road.
A copy of the slides can be found in Annex C.
LS thanked GM for this update, and invited Scott Lees (SL) from Transport Scotland to provide any further thoughts before inviting questions from A83 Taskforce members.
SL introduced himself and stated that additional budget has been confirmed in the coming year to continue the programme of improvements on the A83. SL also noted that tackling the maintenance backlog is a priority and an increased budget is helpful in delivering this. The trunk road network is also being made more resilient to the effects of climate change. Drainage will be improved to reduce areas of standing water.
LS welcomed any questions from the group.
WS thanked Ian Woodcock (IW) of Transport Scotland for delivering improvements to the road surfacing at Honeymood Bridge and Ardgarten. WS noted there appears to be a culvert which has opened up at the RaBT which may require attention.
GM responded to say that he has taken a note and will investigate.
Action 28.7 BEAR Scotland to provide update on open culvert at the Rest and Be Thankful
DP asked for an update on the Erines pinch point between Ardrishaig and Tarbert. He said that it was at the design phase in recent years, however, there has been no updates recently.
Mike Baxter (MB) from BEAR Scotland responded that development was halted, but is being discussed as part of the improved budgets. DP noted that fatalities have occurred here and expressed his disappointment that this was removed from the programme and has not been developed.
IW added that this improvement has been included in the minor improvements programme for the next two to three years and discussions are ongoing regarding priorities throughout the BEAR Scotland’s North West unit.
SL took an action to provide further information on this improvement.
Action 28.8 Transport Scotland and BEAR Scotland to provide update on the improvements at the Erines pinch point.
LSu requested that the signage at junction B815 be moved at the Rest and Be Thankful due to poor visibility. LSu noted that verge clearance was done which was beneficial. One BEAR Scotland sign is blocking the give way sign when A83 is closed and LSu was told this was to be resolved but has not been done yet.
LSu continued to note the road surface has deteriorated near Cairndow and potholes are developing and asked if it is to be improved.
LSu noted that whilst it is positive to see drainage improvements are to be delivered, there is a frustration that this was not done years ago.
LSu noted that there was an electronic sign installed in the wrong location and added that signage at Ardgarten is still flashing despite good weather.
IW will take these points away and provide an update.
Action 28.9 Transport Scotland to provide update on road signage, resurfacing works, planned drainage improvements and electronic signage.
GM noted that it would be helpful for enquiries to be submitted to BEAR Scotland at the time rather than waiting and raising several at the next A83 Taskforce, as these can be addressed quicker.
Post meeting note: Enquiries can be submitted to Enquiries@bearscotland.co.uk.
LSu continued to note the synchronisation of the traffic lights at Inveraray bridge is poor and should be improved.
JA thanked IW for the recent meeting and site visit in Campbeltown and noted that pedestrian crossings are planned to be delivered but have not progressed, and footway improvements which have stalled. A temporary repair would be welcomed here to remove the temporary barriers.
JA continued to note that when resurfacing works are being delivered, amnesty planning needs to be improved. Phased amnesties need to be implemented to allow traffic to flow, especially for public transport and hauliers.
GM responded that a significant amount of communications are issued in advance of amnesties to ensure the travelling public is aware and impact is minimised.
LSu added that ferry times should be considered when planning amnesties.
JG raised the updated Terms of Reference document and asked whether there is an intention to change the membership.
GR responded to confirm the suggested membership of the A83 Taskforce in the Terms of Reference is not exhaustive and is not limited to those noted, and added the wording will be reconsidered to ensure this is clear.
Action 28.10 Transport Scotland to review membership wording in the A83 Taskforce Terms of Reference.
Iain Catterwell (IC) noted that reporting and then undertaking vegetation clearance, after damage has already occurred to vehicles as a result of excessive/overhanging vegetation, is too late.
SL responded that this has also been raised by the Road Haulage Association and there is a balancing act to ensuring vegetation does not encroach the road or impact sight lines, without cutting back too much.
Action 28.11 BEAR Scotland to provide update on vegetation clearance.
General discussion and AoB
LS thanked all attendees for their comments and noted there are a number of actions to address. LS reiterated the need for people to be kept informed as much as possible and encouraged people to report any issues when they occur rather than leaving them until the next A83 Taskforce meeting.
Summary of Actions
Action 28.1
Transport Scotland to provide updates on the open actions from 27th A83 Taskforce at the next A83 Taskforce meeting in May 2025:
Action 27.3
Martin Reid of the Road Haulage Association to investigate potential alternative comms methodologies to ensure road users/hauliers are made aware of any closures.
Action 27.5
Transport Scotland to investigate the issues surrounding speeding at the Cairndow junction and consider escalating this matter.
Action 28.2
Transport Scotland to share letter received from JMacL with Private Office, and Cabinet Secretary to write to the BBC to improve communications.
Action 28.3
Transport Scotland Communications Team to liaise with Argyll and Bute Council to discuss comms plan.
Action 28.4
Transport Scotland to ensure communications updates are issued regularly in relation to the ongoing ground investigation works.
Action 28.5
Transport Scotland to provide update on planning for ferries being used for haulage.
Action 28.6
Transport Scotland to share Traffic and Economic Assessment information with the A83 Campaign Group.
Action 28.7
BEAR Scotland to provide update on open culvert at the Rest and Be Thankful.
Action 28.8
Transport Scotland and BEAR Scotland to provide update on the improvements at the Erines pinch point.
Action 28.9
Transport Scotland to provide update on road signage, resurfacing works, planned drainage improvements and electronic signage.
Action 28.10
Transport Scotland to review membership wording in A83 Taskforce Terms of Reference.
Action 28.11
BEAR Scotland to provide update on vegetation clearance.
Presentation slides in PDF format
Annex A – BEAR Scotland RaBT Presentation Slides
Slide 1
Meeting No. 28
Microsoft Teams
30 January 2025
Ged Mitchell
North West Design Manager
Slide 2
Presentation Overview
Part 1: Rest and be Thankful
- On-going hillside monitoring
- Response to the landslide events on 15th and 18th Sept 2024
- Further works
Part 2: Wider A83 / A82 works programme
- Questions
Slide 3
Part 1: Rest and Be Thankful
Slide 4
Hillside Monitoring Regime
Daily management of the route continues behind the scenes to ensure the road is safe for road users.
- Remote weather station monitoring
- Expert weather forecasting
- Ground saturation estimates
- Remote timelapse photography
- Daily decision-making on use of A83 or OMR
- Additional site monitoring resources
2 Weekly (depending on weather, more frequently)
- Site team observations on hillside condition and watercourse flows
- Hillside movement surveys & observations.
Slide 5
A83 Rest and be Thankful – Response to Landslide 15 and 18 September 2024:
- Over-saturation of an area of hillside triggered a 500 Tonne landslide.
- Intercepted by debris fences and catchpits.
- Minor drainage improvements to re-direct flows
- Closely monitoring the area
Slide 6
A83 Rest and be Thankful – Further Works
- Prep work and ground investigation completed for new debris fence above 3A / 3B Channel
- Works will commence mid-February.
- Work will also be undertaken on the lower slope to deal with scour of the road embankment
Slide 7
Use of OMR
- Emphasis continues to be OPEN via OMR in releases and interviews
BBC Coverage
- BBC over-reporting ‘traffic signals at RabTh’
- Further meeting sought to fully explain RabTh situation and impact of over-reporting
Slide 8
Forestry and Land Scotland – Tree planting works
- Phase’s 1 & 2 complete.
- Phase 3 is ongoing.
- Phase 4 to commence in 2025.

Annex B – AtkinsRealis WSP Joint Venture Presentation Slides
Slide 1
A83 Rest and Be Thankful
Task Force No.28
30 January 2025
Rory Gunn (AWJV)
Slide 2
MTS & LTS Statutory Process
- Draft Road Orders, Compulsory Purchase Orders and Environmental Impact Assessments published for both the MTS and LTS schemes on 13 December 2024
- This marks the start of the statutory consenting process for both schemes.
- Objection/Representation period closes 7 February
- Public Exhibitions held 15-21 January 2025. Virtual exhibitions available online 13 December 2024 – 7 February 2025
Slide 3
Statutory Process
Publications 13 December 2024:
- Draft Road Orders
- Draft Compulsory Purchase Order
- Environmental Impact Assessment Report
Statutory objection / representation period closes 7 February
- If no objections, progress completion of Statutory Process (Made Orders)
- If objections:
- Objection Resolution where possible
- If objections unresolved - Request Public Local Inquiry from Scottish Government

- DMRB Stage 1 Assessment entailing the strategic assessment and identification of a preferred route corridor was completed in April 2021. For a typical large scale infrastructure project, this stage should take approximately 1-2 years to complete.
- DMRB Stage 2 assessment entailing the route options assessment and identification of a preferred route was completed in June 2023. For a typical large scale infrastructure project, this stage should take approximately 1.5-2 years to complete.
- DMRB Stage 3 entails the development and assessment of the preferred route option was completed in December 2024. For a typical large scale infrastructure project, this stage should take approximately 1.5-2 years to complete.
- Statutory process entails the publication of Draft Orders including Compulsory Purchase Order and Environmental Impact Assessment. This box is highlighted in pink as this is the current stage of the project. For a typical large scale infrastructure project, this stage should take approximately 1-2 years to complete, subject to the need for Public Local Inquiry.
- The Procurement Phase for a typical large scale infrastructure project should take approximately 1 years to complete.
- The Construction Phase for the MTS is anticipated to take approximately 1 year. The Construction Phase for the LTS is expected to take 3-4 years, weather dependent.
Slide 4
Public Exhibitions
- 15/01/25 – Campbeltown (82 attendees)
- 16/01/25 – Lochgilphead (78 attendees)
- 17/01/25 – Lochgoilhead (56 attendees)
- 20/01/25 – Dunoon (69 attendees)
- 21/01/25 – Arrochar (45 attendees)
- Virtual Exhibition (1,700 individual views to date)
Slide 5
Public Exhibitions – Key Themes
Q. What are the timescales and how soon can you start construction?
- Construction of the scheme can only commence once the statutory process is complete and a main works contractor is appointed.
Q. Is there money available to build the long term solution?
- Funding to take forward the construction stage of the LTS will be determined as part of the annual Scottish Budget setting process and subsequent capital spending reviews (CSR). The scheme is a priority. It is a key recommendation in STPR2, it is included in the Programme for Government 2024 to 2025 as well as the First Minister’s Policy Prospectus.
Q. Why is the structure not built into the hillside with a sloping roof to allow debris to flow over the structure, like they do in Europe?
- A key consideration is downslope erosion below the debris flow shelter if material were allowed to flow over the roof. This is why the scheme has been developed to catch the material.
Slide 6
Ground Investigation
Long Term Solution
- Structural Soils Ltd site works currently ongoing
- Majority of works on slopes above the A83
- Some locations immediately below A83
- Requires traffic management and single lane closures
- Structural Soils Ltd currently liaising with Police Scotland with respect to extents and duration of traffic management
Annex C – BEAR Scotland Wider A83 Presentation Slides
Slide 1
Part 2: Wider A83 / A82 works programme
Slide 2
Wider A83 / A82 (South) Programme
- Total A83 investment since September Taskforce ~ £2.15M
- £1.72M of further A83 investment planned for 2024/25 FY
- Total A82 (Tyndrum to Balloch) investment since September Taskforce ~ £0.85M
- £1.92M of further A82 investment planned for 2024/25 FY
Slide 3
Planned Works*
Surfacing Improvements
- A82 North of Crianlarich 3rd March - 4th April
- A82 North of Garelochhead Junction (Loch Lomond GC) 23rd - 28th February
- A82 South of Firkin Point 2nd - 4th March
- A82 South of B832 Junction (Loch Lomond GC) 4th – 6th March
- A82 Viaduct at Inveruglas 3rd - 4th February
- A83 Ardrishaig 1 March to 8 March (subject to change)
Drainage / Slope Improvements
- A83 Arrochar (Succoth) – Drainage Investigation this week, works in March.
- A83 Tayinloan (Dalmore Farm) – Drainage Investigation next week (2 nights)
- A83 Furnace (Auchendrain) – Slope improvements from 17th February (2 weeks)
- A83 Loch Fyne (at Oyster Bar) – Drainage works for 1 week in early March.
* Dates subject to change and may be weather dependant.
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Planned Works*
- A83 Aray Bridge – Ongoing
- A83 Taylors Bay (Inverneill) Scour Repairs - Phase 2 from April 2025 (3 weeks)
- A83 Douglas Water (south of Inveraray) 3rd March for 1 week.
- A83 Glenburn Invert Repairs (Lochgilphead) 17 February - 14 March
- A83 Fyne Joint Replacement (North of Inveraray) 17 February – 14 March
- A83 North of Inveraray Sea Wall Repairs – Throughout February
Road Signs
- Minor road signing improvements on A83 at Cairndow and Furnace underway.
- Layby signing and bollard improvements on A82 at Loch Lomondside planned in coming period.
* Dates subject to change and may be weather dependant.
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Image showing work ongoing at Inveraray Sea Wall. (Available in PDF version)
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Images showing the A83 Furnace Bank Erosion works. The image on the left shows the condition prior to works commencing, after a storm event caused damage with significant erosion taking place. This image on the right shows the bank following installation of the erosion protection material. (Available in PDF version)
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Images showing the A83 610 Allt Coire Chailein Scour Repair works. (Available in PDF version)
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Images showing the works completed to date on the A83 110 Aray Scour works. The image on the left shows plant operating and the image on the right shows the progress of the works to date, with scour protection now in place. (Available in PDF version)
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Images showing before and after of the A83 Stonefield resurfacing works, which were completed in October 2024. (Available in PDF version)
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Images showing before and after of the A83 North of Port Ann resurfacing works, which were completed in September 2024. (Available in PDF version)
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Thank You and Any Questions.