Compulsory Purchase Order

  1. Notice is hereby given that the Scottish Ministers (hereinafter referred to as "the acquiring authority"), in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 103 to 108 inclusive of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 as read with section 110(2) of that Act, have made with modifications a Compulsory Purchase Order entitled “The A9 and A86 Trunk Roads (Crubenmore to Kincraig) Compulsory Purchase Order 2024”.
  2. The Order as made provides for the purchase of, and creation of rights over, the land described in the Schedule hereto, for the purpose of improving and constructing new lengths of the M9/A9 Edinburgh – Stirling – Thurso Trunk Road between Crubenmore and Kincraig and the A86 Spean Bridge – Kingussie Trunk Road at Kingussie in the County of Inverness-shire by widening and reconstructing the existing single carriageway to form a new dual carriageway section and constructing a new offline section of dual carriageway.
  3. A copy of the Order and of the relevant plans referred to therein may be inspected, free of charge, from 17 January 2025 to 28 February 2025 during normal opening hours at the following locations:-
  • Transport Scotland, 2nd Floor, 36 North Hanover Street, Glasgow, G1 2AD;
  • Badenoch Library, Badenoch Centre, Spey Street, Kingussie, PH21 1EH;
  • The Highland Council Service Point, The Courthouse, High Street, Kingussie, PH21 1HR; and
  • The Highland Council Service Point, Townhouse, Castle Street, Inverness, IV1 1JJ.
  1. The Order as made becomes operative on the 17 January 2025 being the date on which this notice is first published; but any person aggrieved by the Order may, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 15 of the First Schedule to the Acquisition of Land (Authorisation Procedure) (Scotland) Act 1947 as extended by section 60 of the Land Compensation (Scotland) Act 1973, by application to the Court of Session within 6 weeks from that date, question its validity on the grounds (i) that the authorisation granted by the Order is not empowered to be granted or (ii) that the applicant's interests have been substantially prejudiced by failure to comply with any statutory requirement relating to the Order.
  2. The acquiring authority may acquire the land to which this notice relates by making a General Vesting Declaration under section 195 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. Such a declaration shall not be executed before the end of the period of two months beginning with the date of the first publication of this notice except with the consent of every occupier of the land affected. The effect of the making of such a declaration is to vest the land in the acquiring authority at the end of the appropriate period and is more fully explained in Form 8 (statement to be included in Form 4 where a general vesting declaration is to be made) contained in the Compulsory Purchase of Land (Scotland) Regulations 2003. A copy of the said Regulations has been deposited and may be seen as aforesaid. A copy of the said Regulations can be viewed on the Transport Scotland website at the link above.
  3. Persons entitled to claim compensation in respect of any interest in the land are invited to give information with respect to their name and address and the land and their interest therein on the prescribed form (Form 9) a copy of which will be sent by the acquiring authority on application to the Director of Major Projects, Transport Scotland, 2nd Floor, 36 Hanover Street, Glasgow, G1 2AD. 

Completed forms can be emailed to or returned to the aforementioned address.

A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers
Transport Scotland
George House
2nd Floor, 36 North Hanover Street
Glasgow G1 2AD

18 December 2024

Schedule - Land comprised in the Order as made

The plot references and areas referred to below correspond to those given in the Schedule and map annexed to “the A9 and A86 Trunk Roads (Crubenmore to Kincraig) Compulsory Purchase Order 2024”

Plot No Land in the County of Inverness-shire
101, 113, 114 Land consisting of scrubland, woodland, the bed and banks of two unnamed watercourses and access road lying to the east of the A9 and to the east of the C1137 Glentruim - Catlodge Road.
102, 108, 110, 129 Land consisting of operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line, including embankments thereof and drainage culvert below the Highland Railway Line lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the C1137 Glentruim - Catlodge Road and to the east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
103, 104, 105, 106, 107 Land consisting of scrubland, woodland, the bed and banks of one unnamed watercourse and the solum and verges of the C1137 Glentruim - Catlodge Road lying to the west of the A9, to the west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
109 Land consisting of woodland and scrubland lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
111, 128 Land consisting of the solum of the A9, cycle track and scrubland and the bed and banks of one unnamed watercourse lying to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
112, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127 Land consisting of access road, cycletrack, scrubland, woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
117, 119, 120, 136 Land consisting of scrubland and access track lying to the west of the A9, to the west of the Highland Railway Line, to the east of the River Truim and to the north, north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
121 Land consisting of land forming a private road below operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the River Truim and to the north, north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
125 Land consisting of cycle track lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
137 Land consisting of verge of the A9 lying to the east of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
201, 203, 230 Land consisting of scrubland, woodland and cycle track lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
202, 207, 208, 209, 213, 214, 216 Land consisting of the solum and verges of the U3011 Raliabeag Road, verge of the A9, access road, car park, septic tank, woodland, scrubland, the bed and banks of the Allt Torr an Daimh and the bed and banks of two unnamed watercourses lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
204, 211 Land consisting of scrubland, woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
206, 210 Land consisting of scrubland, woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the south of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
138, 205, 212, 215 Land consisting of operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line including embankments thereof, scrubland, woodland lying to the north-west of the A9 and to the south-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
217, 218, 231 Land consisting of tracks, woodland, grassland and scrubland lying to the north of the A9 and to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
220, 221 Land consisting of scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the south of the Highland Railway Line and to the east of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
222, 223, 224, 225 Land consisting of the solum and verges of the U3011 Raliabeag Road and B9150, scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, the east, north-east of the Ralia Café and Tourist Information and to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line.
227 Land consisting of scrubland, woodland, tracks and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south-east of the A9, to the south-east of the B9150 Ralia - Newtonmore Road and to the east, north-east of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
301 Land consisting of scrubland, woodland and the bed and banks of three unnamed watercourses lying to the south-east of the A9, to the south-east of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line.
219, 226, 228, 302, 303, 304, 313, 318 Land consisting of the solum and verges of the B9150 Ralia - Newtonmore Road and U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road, scrubland, woodland and bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the west, south-west of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
305, 306, 308, 339, 340 Land consisting of scrubland, woodland, access track lying to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line, to the north-west of the B9150 Ralia - Newtonmore Road and to the west, south-west of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
307, 311, 342 Land consisting of woodland and the solum and verges of the B9150 Ralia - Newtonmore Road lying to the to the south-east of the River Spey, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and north of Invermore Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
310 Land consisting of operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line, including embankments thereof, woodland and track lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the north, north-west of Invermore Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
314a, 314b, 314c, 314d, 314e, 316, 323, 330, 331, 332 Land consisting of grassland, scrubland, woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the east of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
319 Land consisting of woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south-east of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road, to the north-west of the A9 and to the south of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
320, 344 Land consisting of woodland and the solum and verges of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-east of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
328, 329, 334 Land consisting of scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the east, south-east of Milton Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
337 Land consisting of woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the east, north-east of Milton Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
346, 347, 348, 349, 351, 352 Land consisting of the solum and verges of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south of the River Spey and to the east of Milton Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
403a, 403b, 403c, 407, 409, 412 Land consisting of the solum and verges of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road, grassland, scrubland and the bed and banks of the Allt Eòghainn lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the north-west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
401, 404, 405 Land consisting of scrubland, woodland, grassland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie and to the south-east of the River Spey.
413, 414a, 414b, 418, 421 Land consisting of scrubland, woodland and grassland, the bed and banks of the Allt Eòghainn and the bed and banks of two unnamed watercourses lying to the north-west of the A9, adjacent to the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the north-west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
415 Land consisting of track, grassland and scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Allt Eòghainn and to the north of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
410, 416a, 416b, 416c, 416d, 416e, 416f, 416g, 419, 420 Land consisting of scrubland, woodland, access tracks and the bed and banks of the Allt Eòghainn and an unnamed watercourse lying to the south of the A9, to the south of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the north of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
502, 543, 544, 545, 546 Land consisting of verge of the A9, scrubland, the bed and banks of the Millton Burn and the bed and banks of three unnamed watercourses lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the General Wade's Military Road and to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
501, 503, 504, 505, 520, 540a, 540b Land consisting of grassland, scrubland, woodland, access road, tracks, bridge and the bed and banks of the Burn of Inverton and an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
506a, 506b Land consisting of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-west of the River Spey and to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
508, 512, 515, 517, 521, 548 Land consisting of grassland, scrubland, woodland, General Wade's Military Road and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south of the River Spey and to the north and north-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
509 Land consisting of scrubland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north of General Wade's Military Road and to the south-east of the Lochan an Tairbh.
507, 510, 511, 514, 516, 518a, 518b, 519, 522, 523 Land consisting of track, access road, General Wade's Military Road, grassland, scrubland and woodland lying to the south of the A9 and to the west, north and east of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
531, 533, 536, 537, 538, 539, 541, 542 Land consisting of scrubland, grassland, woodland and access track lying to the south of the A9 and to the south of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
601 Land consisting of grassland and scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the east of the River Spey and to the west, south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
603, 630 Land consisting of the solum and verges of the B970 Ruthven Road, including that under the A9 bridge structure, lying to the south-east of the River Spey and to the west, south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
605 Land consisting of grassland and scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the east of River Spey and to the north-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
606, 607 Land consisting of grassland, the bed and bank of the River Spey, lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the north, north-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
609, 641 Land consisting of grassland and verge of the A9 lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north of the River Spey.
610, 612, 620 Land consisting of scrubland and woodland lying to the west of the A9, to the south-east of the A86 and to the north of the Highland Railway Line.
613, 614, 619 Land consisting of verge and access road off the A86 lying to the west of the A9, to the north of the A86 and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
615 Land consisting of the solum and verges of the A86 and A9 and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the north, north-east of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
616, 645, 646 Land consisting of access road lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
617, 618, 631 Land consisting of grassland and access track lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
621, 627, 640, 644 Land consisting of grassland, woodland and the bed and north bank of the River Spey lying to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
602, 622, 623 Land consisting of scrubland and the bed and south bank of the River Spey, lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-west of the B970 Ruthven Road and to the west, south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
604, 611, 624, 625a, 632, 633 Land consisting of verge of the A9, grassland, scrubland and woodland lying to the south and south-east of the A9, to the west of the Burn of Ruthven and to the west and north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
625b Land consisting of grassland, scrubland and the bed and banks of the River Spey lying to the east of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
628, 642, 643 Land consisting of operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line including embankments of the A9 lying to the south-east of the A86 and to the north-west of the River Spey.
629 Land consisting of grassland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north of the Highland Railway Line and to the north, north-east of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
634, 635, 636, 637a, 637b, 638 Land consisting of grassland, scrubland and the south bank of the River Spey under the A9 bridge structure lying to the south of the Highland Railway Line and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
608, 639a, 639b, 639c, 639d Land consisting of grassland, scrubland and the bed and banks of the River Spey lying to the west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
701, 702, 704 Land consisting of access road, track, grassland and scrubland lying to the west of the A9, at Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
703 Land consisting of scrubland and grassland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the west, north-west of Lynchat, Kingussie.
705, 706, 708, 710, 712, 727, 735, 736, 738, 739 Land consisting of grassland, scrubland, woodland, the bed and banks of two unnamed watercourses and the solum and verges of the A86 and B9152 lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the west, south-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
713, 714, 717, 718, 719 Land consisting of grassland, scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the east, north-east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the west, north-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
707, 711, 715, 716, 720, 722 Land consisting of grassland, scrubland, access road, woodland, the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse and the bed and labnks of the Allt Ceaglgach, lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north and north-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
721, 723, 724 Land consisting of scrubland, grassland, woodland, access track and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the north-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
725 Land consisting of scrubland, grassland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the north, north-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
726 Land consisting of scrubland, grassland, woodland and the bed and banks of the Allt Ceaglgach lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the north, north-east of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
728 Land consisting of A9 verge, scrubland, access track, grassland, woodland and the bed and banks of six unnamed watercourses lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north-east of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
729a, 729b, 730, 732, 734, 742 Land consisting of scrubland, woodland and the bed and banks of the Allt Cealgachan and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north-east of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
733, 743 Land consisting of grassland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-east of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the east, north-east of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
737, 740, 741 Land consisting of grassland and scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north-east of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
801, 802, 804, 805, 806, 807, 850, 851 Land consisting of verge of the A9, access road, grassland, woodland, the bed and banks of the Raitts Burn and the bed and banks of two unnamed watercourses lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
803 Land consisting of the solum and verges of the A9 and the bed and banks of the Raitts Burn lying to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
808, 840, 841 Land consisting of verge of the A9, access track, scrubland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
809, 810, 811, 854 Land consisting of grassland, scrubland, woodland, access road, verge of the A9 and the bed and banks of two unnamed watercourses lying to the south of the A9, to the north of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
812 Land consisting of the solum and verge of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road lying to the south of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
813, 836, 839, 849a, 849b Land consisting of access track, scrubland, grassland, woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south-east of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
814a, 814b Land consisting of operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line, including embankments thereof and drainage culvert below the Highland Railway Line lying to the south-east of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
815, 816, 817, 852, 853 Land consisting of grassland, scrubland, woodland and private road lying to the south of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
818, 819 Land consisting of the solum and verges of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road, grassland, woodland, track and the bed and banks of the Raitts Burn lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south, south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
820, 821, 822, 824, 845, 846, 847, 848 Land consisting of verge of the A9, solum and verges of the B9152 Kingussie to Granish Road access track, grassland, woodland and the bed and banks of the Raitts Burn lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the south of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
825, 826, 827, 837, 838, 843, 844 Land consisting of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road, access track, scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, south-east of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
828 Land consisting of grassland, woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south of the A9, to the north-east of Raitts Burn and to the east of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
901, 902, 903, 904, 931 Land consisting of verge of the A9, grassland, track and bed and banks of three unnamed watercourses lying at Criftcarnoch, Kingussie, PH21 1LU to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road.
905, 913, 914, 920, 921, 922, 923, 924 Land consisting of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the east and north-east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
906, 917 Land consisting of acces road, scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road, to the south of the Highland Wildlife Park and to the east of Croftcarnoch, Kingussie, PH21 1LU.
907, 908, 909, 910, 911 Land consisting of scrubland, woodland, track, solum and verges of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south of the A9, north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, south-east of Croftcarnoch, Kingussie, PH21 1LU.
915, 930 Land consisting of the solum and verges of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
912, 916, 919, 925, 926, 928 Land consisting of grassland, scrubland, woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east and south-east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
927, 929, 932 Land consisting of an access road, including that under the A9 bridge structure, lying to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie to Granish Road, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
1001 Land consisting of woodland and grassland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south of Dunachtonmore, Kingussie, PH21 1LY.
1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008 Land consisting of scrubland, woodland, the solum and verges of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road lying to to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south, south-east of Dunachtonmore, Kingussie, PH21 1LY.

Open Space Certificate

  1. The A9 and A86 Trunk Roads (Crubenmore to Kincraig) Compulsory Purchase Order 2024, which has made by the Scottish Ministers includes the land described in the Schedule hereto.
  2. This land forms part of an open space.
  3. Notice is hereby given that the Scottish Ministers, in exercise of the powers conferred by paragraph 11 of Part III of the First Schedule to the above mentioned Act, have certified that they are satisfied that this land is required for the widening of an existing public road within the meaning of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 and that the giving in exchange of other land is unnecessary in the interests of the public because the open space land to be acquired, and other suitable land equally advantageous to the public, will be available for public access post construction.
  4. A map showing the land to which the proposed certificate relates may be inspected free of charge, from 17 January 2025 to 28 February 2025 during normal opening hours at the following locations:-
  • Transport Scotland, 2nd Floor, 36 North Hanover Street, Glasgow, G1 2AD;
  • Badenoch Library, Badenoch Centre, Spey Street, Kingussie, PH21 1EH;
  • The Highland Council Service Point, The Courthouse, High Street, Kingussie, PH21 1HR; and
  • The Highland Council Service Point, Townhouse, Castle Street, Inverness, IV1 1JJ. 
  1. The certificate becomes operative on 17 January 2025 but a person aggrieved by the certificate may, by application to the Court of Session within 6 weeks from that date, question its validity on the ground that the applicant’s interests have been substantially prejudiced by failure to comply with any statutory requirement relating to the certificate.


Common or open space amounting to some 489 square metres or thereby as shown within Plot 610 and Plot 620 of the made A9 and A86 Trunk Roads (Crubenmore to Kincraig) Compulsory Purchase Order 2024.

B. Sizeland
A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers
Transport Scotland
George House
2nd Floor, 36 North Hanover Street
Glasgow G1 2AD

16 December 2024

Unknown Owners Notice


  1. If in any doubt about the effects of this Notice, consult the Acquiring Authority or a Solicitor.
  2. Information on the rights to compensation payable and on any time limits may be obtained from the Acquiring Authority.

Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 and the
Acquisition of Land (Authorisation Procedure) (Scotland) Act 194
The A9 and A86 Trunk Roads (Crubenmore to Kincraig) Compulsory Purchase Order 2024

To: The owner/lessee or occupier

Of: Plots 105, 106, 111, 118, 125, 126, 128, 202, 208, 222, 225, 228, 230, 303, 307, 318, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349, 351, 352, 403a, 403c, 506b, 510, 514, 516, 518b, 540b, 546, 603, 607, 612, 613, 615, 616, 625a, 630, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637a, 645, 646, 705, 707, 710, 713, 715, 718, 720, 727, 729b, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 743, 802, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 812, 818, 820, 821, 825, 827, 837, 843, 845, 846, 849a, 850, 851, 852, 853, 854, 901, 910, 915, 930, 1004 and 1007.

  1. Notice is hereby given that the Scottish Ministers (hereinafter referred to as "the acquiring authority"), in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 103 to 108 inclusive of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 as read with section 110(2) of that Act, have made with modifications a Compulsory Purchase Order entitled “The A9 and A86 Trunk Roads (Crubenmore to Kincraig) Compulsory Purchase Order 2024”.
  2. The Order as made provides for the purchase of, and creation of rights over, the land described in the Schedule hereto, for the purpose of improving and constructing new lengths of the M9/A9 Edinburgh – Stirling – Thurso Trunk Road between Crubenmore and Kincraig and the A86 Spean Bridge – Kingussie Trunk Road at Kingussie in the County of Inverness-shire by widening and reconstructing the existing single carriageway to form a new dual carriageway section and constructing a new offline section of dual carriageway.
  3. A copy of the Order and of the relevant plans referred to therein may be inspected, free of charge, from 17 January 2025 to 28 February 2025 during normal opening hours at the following locations:-
  • Transport Scotland, 2nd Floor, 36 Hanover Street, Glasgow, G1 2AD;
  • Badenoch Library, Badenoch Centre, Spey Street, Kingussie, PH21 1EH;
  • The Highland Council Service Point, The Courthouse, High Street, Kingussie, PH21 1HR; and
  • The Highland Council Service Point, Townhouse, Castle Street, Inverness, IV1 1JJ.
  1. The Order as made becomes operative on the 17 January 2025 being the date on which this notice is first published; but any person aggrieved by the Order may, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 15 of the First Schedule to the Acquisition of Land (Authorisation Procedure) (Scotland) Act 1947 as extended by section 60 of the Land Compensation (Scotland) Act 1973, by application to the Court of Session within 6 weeks from that date, question its validity on the grounds (i) that the authorisation granted by the Order is not empowered to be granted or (ii) that the applicant's interests have been substantially prejudiced by failure to comply with any statutory requirement relating to the Order.
  2. The acquiring authority may acquire the land to which this notice relates by making a General Vesting Declaration under section 195 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (hereinafter referred to as “the Planning Act”). Such a declaration shall not be executed before the end of the period of two months beginning with the date of the first publication of this notice except with the consent of every occupier of the land affected.
  3. The effect of the making of such a declaration is to vest the land in the acquiring authority at the end of such period as may be specified in the declaration but which will not be less than twenty eight days from the date on which the service of notices required by paragraph 4 of Schedule 15 to the Planning Act is completed. These notices shall specify the land and state the effect of the declaration and shall be served on every occupier of any of the land specified in the declaration (other than land in which there subsists a short tenancy or a long tenancy which is about to expire as hereinafter defined) and on every other person who has given information to the acquiring authority with respect to any of the land to which this notice relates in pursuance of the invitation published and included in this notice.
  4. The effect of a general vesting declaration is as follows:

At the end of the aforesaid period specified in the declaration the land specified in the declaration, together with the right to enter upon and take possession of it, shall vest in the acquiring authority and on being registered in the Land Register of Scotland the declaration shall have the same effect as a conveyance registered in accordance with section 80 of the Lands Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1845. Also on the date of vesting, the Acts providing for compensation shall apply as if, on the date on which the declaration was made, a notice to treat had been served on every person on whom, under section 17 of the said Act of 1845, the acquiring authority could have served such a notice (other than any person entitled to an interest in the land in respect of which such a notice had actually been served before the date of vesting and any person entitled to a short tenancy or a long tenancy which is about to expire).

  1. Where any land specified in the declaration is land in which there subsists a short tenancy or a long tenancy which is about to expire the right of entry shall not be exercisable in respect of that land unless, after serving notice to treat in respect of that tenancy, the acquiring authority has served on every occupier of any land in which the tenancy subsists a notice stating that, at the end of such period as is specified in the notice (not being less that fourteen days) from the date on which the notice is served, they intend to enter upon and take possession of such land as specified in the notice, and that period has expired. The vesting of the land in the acquiring authority shall be subject to the tenancy until that period expires or the tenancy comes to an end whichever first occurs.
  2. Paragraph 38 of Schedule 15 to the Planning Act defines “short tenancy” and “long tenancy which is about to expire” as follows:

“Short tenancy” means a tenancy for a year or from year to year or any lesser interest and “long tenancy which is about to expire”, in relation to a general vesting declaration, means a tenancy granted for an interest greater than a short tenancy, but having at the date of the declaration a period still to run which is not more than the specified period (that is to say, such period longer than one year as may be specified in the declaration in relation to the land in which the tenancy subsists).

In determining what period a tenancy still has to run at the date of a general vesting declaration it shall be assumed:

  • that the tenant will exercise any option to renew the tenancy and will not exercise any option to terminate the tenancy then or thereafter available to the tenant; and
  • that the landlord will exercise any option to terminate the tenancy then or thereafter available to the tenant.
  1. Persons entitled to claim compensation in respect of any interest in the land in respect of which a notice to treat has not been given are invited to give information with respect to their name and address and the land and their interest therein on the prescribed form (Form 9), a copy of which will be sent by the acquiring authority on application to the Director of Major Projects, Transport Scotland, 2nd Floor, 36 North Hanover Street, Glasgow, G1 2AD.

Completed forms can be emailed to or returned to the aforementioned address.

A member of the staff of the Scottish Ministers
Transport Scotland
George House
2nd Floor, 36 North Hanover Street
Glasgow G1 2AD

18 December 2024


Land comprised in the Order as made

The plot references and areas referred to below correspond to those given in the Schedule and map annexed to “the A9 and A86 Trunk Roads (Crubenmore to Kincraig) Compulsory Purchase Order 2024”

Plot No Land in the County of Inverness-shire
1 to 100 Numbers not allocated.
101 78,363 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland and the bed and banks of two unnamed watercourses lying to the east of the A9 and to the east of the C1137 Glentruim - Catlodge Road.
102 734 square metres or thereby of operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line, including embankments thereof and drainage culvert below the Highland Railway Line lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the C1137 Glentruim - Catlodge Road and to the east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
103 627 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland and the bed and banks of one unnamed watercourse lying to the west of the A9, to the west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
104 1,367 square metres or thereby of woodland, scrubland and the bed and banks of one unnamed watercourse, lying to the west of the A9, to the south-east of the C1137 Glentruim - Catlodge Road and to the east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
105 356 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the C1137 Glentruim - Catlodge Road and the bed and banks of one unnamed watercourse, lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the River Truim and to the east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
106 18 square metres or thereby of the northern verge of the C1137 Glentruim - Catlodge Road lying to the west of the A9, to the west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, south-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
107 14,246 square metres or thereby of woodland, scrubland and the bed and banks of one unnamed watercourse lying to the west of the A9, to the north of the C1137 Glentruim - Catlodge Road and to the east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
108 1,622 square metres or thereby of operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line including embankments thereof lying to the west of the A9, to the north-west of the C1137 Glentruim - Catlodge Road and to the east, north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
109 1,393 square metres or thereby of woodland and scrubland lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
110 269 square metres or thereby of operational railway land comprising the Highland Railway Line, lying to the west of the A9, to the north-west of the C1137 Glentruim - Catlodge Road and to the east, north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
111 4,036 square metres or thereby of the solum of the A9 and scrubland and the bed and banks of one unnamed watercourse lying to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
112 5,919 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
113 720 square metres or thereby of the access road lying to the east of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
114 12,790 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the east of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
115 202 square metres or thereby of access road lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
116 2,457 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
117 3,817 square metres or thereby of scrubland lying to the west of the A9, to the west of the Highland Railway Line, to the east of the River Truim and to the north, north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
118 2,288 square metres or thereby of cycle track and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
119 140 square metres or thereby of access road lying to the west of the A9, to the west of the Highland Railway Line and to the north, north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
120 1,816 square metres or thereby of scrubland lying to the west of the A9, to the west of the Highland Railway Line and to the north, north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
121 67 square metres or thereby of land forming a private road below operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the River Truim and to the north, north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
122 1,046 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
123 48 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
124 352 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
125 87 square metres or thereby of cycle track lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
126 91 square metres or thereby of access road and cycle track lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
127 249 square metres or thereby of access road lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
128 306 square metres or thereby of cycle track lying to the west of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
129 635 square metres or thereby of operational railway land forming cuttings to part of the Highland Railway Line and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the west of the A9, to the north-west of the C1137 Glentruim - Catlodge Road and to the east, north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
130 to 135 Numbers not allocated
136 162 square metres or thereby of access road lying to the west of the A9, to the west of the Highland Railway Line and to the north, north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
137 960 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 lying to the east of the A9, to the east of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
138 21 square metres or thereby of operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line lying to the west of the A9 and to the north-east of Invernahavon Caravan Site, Glentruim, Newtonmore, PH20 1BE.
139 to 200 Numbers not allocated
201 721 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
202 4,374 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the U3011 Raliabeag Road, the bed and banks of the Allt Torr an Daimh and the bed and banks of two unnamed watercourses lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south of the Highland Railway Line and to the south, south-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
203 16,324 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
204 41,279 square metres or thereby of scrubland, woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
205 140 square metres or thereby of operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line including embankments thereof lying to the south-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
206 29,902 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the south, south-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
207 4,506 square metres or thereby of woodland, scrubland and the bed and banks of the Allt Torr an Daimh lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
208 11 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
209 5,431 square metres or thereby of woodland, scrubland, track and the bed and banks of the Allt Torr an Daimh watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and south-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
210 15,420 square metres or thereby of scrubland, woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the south of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
211 202 square metres or thereby of scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
212 1,110 square metres or thereby of operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line including embankments thereof, scrubland, woodland lying to the north-west of the A9 and to the south-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
213 44 square metres or thereby of access road lying to the north-west of the A9 and to the south of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
214 27 square metres or thereby of septic tank, scrubland and access tracks lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
215 412 square metres or thereby of operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line lying to the north-west of the A9 and to the south-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
216 2,603 square metres or thereby of woodland, scrubland, access roads and car park lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
217 846 square metres or thereby of tracks, woodland and grassland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
218 599 square metres or thereby of woodland and scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9 and to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
219 228 square metres or thereby of woodland and scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the east, north-east of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
220 1,860 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-east of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
221 25,011 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the south-east of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
222 538 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the U3011 Raliabeag Road lying to the north-west of the A9 and to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line.
223 578 square metres or thereby of scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, north-east of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
224 1,524 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, north-east of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
225 1,213 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the U3011 Raliabeag Road and B9150 Ralia - Newtonmore Road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, north-east of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
226 286 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the B9150 Ralia - Newtonmore Road and to the north-east of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
227 38,846 square metres or thereby of scrubland, woodland, tracks and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south-east of the A9, to the south-east of the B9150 Ralia - Newtonmore Road and to the east, north-east of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
228 123 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the B9150 Ralia - Newtonmore road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
229 Number not allocated
230 2,914 square metres or thereby of cycle track lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south of the Highland Railway Line and to the south, south-west of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
231 138 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north-east of Ralia Cafe and Tourist Information, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
232 to 300 Numbers not allocated
301 82,150 square metres or thereby of scrubland, woodland and the bed and banks of three unnamed watercourses lying to the south-east of the A9, to the south-east of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line.
302 15,806 square metres or thereby of woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south, south-east of the B9150 Ralia - Newtonmore Road and to the west, south-west of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
303 4,004 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the B9150 Ralia - Newtonmore Road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the west, south-west of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
304 2,048 square metres or thereby of scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south of the River Spey and to the west, south-west of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
305 19,227 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south of the River Spey and to the west, south-west of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
306 187 square metres or thereby of track lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the B9150 Ralia - Newtonmore Road and to the west, south-west of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
307 64 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the B9150 Ralia - Newtonmore Road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the west, north-west of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
308 68 square metres or thereby of track lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the B9150 Ralia - Newtonmore Road and to the west, south-west of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
309 Number not allocated
310 82 square metres or thereby of operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line, including embankments thereof, woodland and track lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the north, north-west of Invermore Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
311 862 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the B9150 Ralia - Newtonmore Road and to the north-west of Invermore Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
312 Number not allocated
313 3,363 square metres or thereby of woodland and scrubland lying to the north-west of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road, to the south-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east of Invermore Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
314a 860 square metres or thereby of grassland, scrubland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, north-east of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
314b 75 square metres or thereby of grassland and scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, north-east of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
314c 369 square metres or thereby of grassland, scrubland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, north-east of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
314d 2,249 square metres or thereby of grassland, scrubland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, north-east of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
314e 3,076 square metres or thereby of grassland and scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, north-east of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
315 Number not allocated
316 12,224 square metres or thereby or thereby of grassland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the north-east of Milton Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
317 Number not allocated
318 684 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, south-east of Invermore Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
319 975 square metres or thereby of woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south-east of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road, to the north-west of the A9 and to the south of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
320 195 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the south-east of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road, to the north-west of the A9 and to the east, south-east of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
321 to 322 Number not allocated
323 6,028 square metres or thereby or thereby of grassland and scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, south-east of Milton Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
324 to 327 Number not allocated
328 30 square metres or thereby of scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, south-east of Milton Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
329 3,204 square metres or thereby of scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9 and to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-east of Milton Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
330 222 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, south-east of Milton Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
331 547 square metres or thereby or thereby of grassland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the east, north-east of Milton Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
332 323 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the east, south-east of Milton Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
333 Number not allocated
334 493 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the east, south-east of Milton Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
335 to 336 Numbers not allocated
337 6,890 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the east, north-east of Milton Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
338 Number not allocated
339 125 square metres or thereby of the track road lying to the north-west of the B9150 Ralia - Newtonmore Road and to the north-west of the A9 and to the south-east of the River Spey.
340 241 square metres or thereby of track lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the B9150 Ralia - Newtonmore Road and to the west, south-west of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
341 Number not allocated
342 301 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the north-west of the A9 and to the south-east of the River Spey and to the north of Invermore Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
343 Number not allocated
344 449 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-east of Ralia Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
345 Number not allocated
346 307 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line, and to the east, south-east of the Milton Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
347 370 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the east, south-east of Milton Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
348 672 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the east, south-east of Milton Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
349 414 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the east of Milton Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
350 Number not allocated
351 427 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the east, north-east of Milton Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
352 233 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the east, north-east of Milton Lodge, Ralia, Newtonmore, PH20 1BD.
353 to 400 Numbers not allocated
401 1,891 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road, to the north-west of the A9 and to the west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
402 Number not allocated
403a 5,038 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and the bed and banks of the Allt Eòghainn lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the north-west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
403b 1,118 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the north-west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
403c 543 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the north-west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
404 315 square metres or thereby of grassland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the south-east of the River Spey.
405 5,165 square metres or thereby of grassland, scrubland, woodland and the bed and bank of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
406 Number not allocated
407 209 square metres or thereby of grassland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
408 Number not allocated
409 349 square metres or thereby of grassland and scrubland lying to the north-west of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the north-west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
410 357 square metres or thereby of track lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-east of the Allt Eòghainn and to the west, north-west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
411 Number not allocated
412 292 square metres or thereby of scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the west, north-west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
413 37,175 square metres or thereby of scrubland, woodland and grassland, the bed and banks of the Allt Eòghainn and the bed and banks of two unnamed watercourses lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the north-west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
414a 1,485 square metres or thereby of scrubland, grassland, the bed and banks of the Allt Eòghainn and the bed and banks of an unknown watercourse lying to the north of the A9, to the north-west of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the north-west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
414b 13,002 square metres or thereby of scrubland and grassland lying to the north of the A9, to the north north-west of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the north-west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
415 15,352 square metres or thereby of track, grassland and scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Allt Eòghainn and to the north of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
416a 49,334 square metres or thereby of scrubland, woodland, access tracks and the bed and banks of the Allt Eòghainn lying to the south of the A9, to the south of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the north-west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
416b 198 square metres or thereby of access track lying to the south of the A9, to the south of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the north-west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
416c 22,033 square metres or thereby of scrubland, woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south of the A9, to the south of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the north-west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
416d 79 square metres or thereby of access track lying to the south of the A9 and to the north of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
416e 202 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the south of the A9 and to the north of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
416f 502 square metres or thereby of private road and access track lying to the south of the A9 and to the north of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
416g 34,500 square metres or thereby of scrubland, woodland and private road lying to the south of the A9 and to the north-east of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
417 Number not allocated
418 412 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the west, north-west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
419 109 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 lying to the south-east of the A9, to the east of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the north of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
420 185 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 lying to the south-east of the A9, to the east, north-east of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the north, north-east of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
421 127 square metres or thereby of scrubland, grassland and the bed and banks of the Allt Eòghainn lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the U3063 Ralia - Nuide Road and to the north-west of Millton of Nuide, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
422 to 500 Numbers not allocated
501 13,236 square metres or thereby of track, grassland and scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-west of the Burn of Inverton and to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
502 20,903 square metres or thereby of scrubland, the bed and banks of the Millton Burn and the bed and banks of three unnamed watercourses lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the General Wade's Military Road and to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
503 1,597 square metres or thereby of access road and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Burn of Inverton and to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
504 2,840 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland and the bed and west bank of the Burn of Inverton lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-west of the Burn of Inverton and to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
505 16,065 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland and the bed and banks of the Burn of Inverton and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Burn of Inverton and to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
506a 126 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-west of the River Spey and to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
506b 75 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-west of the River Spey and to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
507 9,858 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the south-west of the A9, to the west of the General Wade's Military Road and to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
508 1,162 square metres or thereby of grassland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south of the River Spey and to the west, north-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
509 505 square metres or thereby of scrubland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north of General Wade's Military Road and to the south-east of the Lochan an Tairbh.
510 639 square metres or thereby of track lying to the south-east of the A9, to the south of the Lochan an Tairbh and to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
511 3,924 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the General Wade's Military Road and to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
512 9,716 square metres or thereby of grassland, scrubland and woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the north-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
513 Number not allocated
514 686 square metres or thereby of track and General Wade's Military Road lying to the south-east of the A9, to the south-east of the Lochan an Tairbh and to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
515 1,652 square metres or thereby of General Wade's Military Road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the west, north-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
516 435 square metres or thereby of access road lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the north-east of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
517 14,360 square metres or thereby of grassland and woodland lying to the north-east of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the north of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
518a 34,483 square metres or thereby of track, grassland, scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the west, north and east of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
518b 1,224 square metres or thereby of track, grassland, scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the west, north and east of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
519 453 square metres or thereby of scrubland and grassland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the north-east of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
520 117 square metres or thereby of access road, bridge and the bed and banks of the Burn of Inverton lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-west of the Burn of Inverton and to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
521 1,070 square metres or thereby of General Wade's Military Road lying to the north-east of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the north of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
522 178 square metres or thereby of track lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the east, north-east of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
523 67 square metres or thereby of scrubland lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the east, north-east of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
524 to 530 Numbers not allocated
531 15,218 square metres or thereby of scrubland and grassland lying to the south of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the south of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
532 Number not allocated
533 3,438 square metres or thereby of woodland and grassland lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the south-east of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
534 to 535 Numbers not allocated
536 2,300 square metres or thereby of grassland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the south-east of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
537 1,071 square metres or thereby of grassland lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the south-east of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
538 10,035 square metres or thereby of grassland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the south-east of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
539 800 square metres or thereby of grassland and track lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the south-east of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
540a 829 square metres or thereby of the access road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the west, north-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
540b 186 square metres or thereby of the access road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the west, north-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
541 555 square metres or thereby of grassland lying to the south of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
542 1,068 square metres or thereby of track lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the south-east of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
543 102 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south-west of the A9, to the west of the General Wade's Military Road and to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
544 386 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 lying to the south-west of the A9, to the west of the General Wade's Military Road and to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
545 223 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 lying to the south-west of the A9, to the west of the General Wade's Military Road and to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
546 872 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 lying to the south-west of the A9, to the west of the General Wade's Military Road and to the west, south-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
547 Number not allocated
548 2,989 square metres or thereby of grassland, scrubland and woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the north-west of Knappach Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1NR.
549 to 600 Numbers not allocated
601 10,515 square metres or thereby of grassland and scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the east of the River Spey and to the west, south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
602 705 square metres or thereby of scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-west of the B970 Ruthven Road and to the west, south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
603 383 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the B970 Ruthven Road under the A9 bridge structure lying to the south-east of the River Spey and to the west, south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
604 5 square metres or thereby of grassland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Burn of Ruthven and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
605 2,347 square metres or thereby of grassland and scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the east of River Spey and to the north-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
606 237 square metres or thereby of grassland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the north, north-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
607 124 square metres or thereby of grassland, the bed and bank of the River Spey, lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the north, north-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
608 38 square metres or thereby of grassland lying to the south-west of the A9, to the south-east of the River Spey and to the north, north-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
609 30,633 square metres or thereby of grassland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
610 231 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the west of the A9, to the south-east of the A86 and to the north, north-east of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
611 21,824 square metres or thereby of grassland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the south-west of the B970 Ruthven Road and to the west, south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
612 2,418 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the west of the A9, to the south-east of the A86 and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
613 65 square metres or thereby of verge and access off the A86 lying to the west of the A9, to the north of the A86 and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
614 923 square metres or thereby of access road lying to the west of the A9, to the north-west of the A86 and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
615 140 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the A86 and A9 and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the north, north-east of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
616 175 square metres or thereby of access road lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
617 156 square metres or thereby of grassland lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
618 224 square metres or thereby of grassland lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
619 57 square metres or thereby of access road lying to the west of the A9, to the north-west of the A86 and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
620 384 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the west of the A9, to the south-east of the A86 and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
621 243 square metres or thereby of woodland and north bank of the River Spey lying to the west, north-west of the A9, to the west of the Burn of Ruthven and to the north-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
622 108 square metres or thereby of scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-west of the B970 Ruthven Road and to the west, south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
623 253 square metres or thereby of scrubland and the bed and south bank of the River Spey, lying to the north-west of the A9, to the south-west of the B970 Ruthven Road and to the west, south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
624 51,615 square metres or thereby of grassland, scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the west of the Burn of Ruthven and to the north-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
625a 3,578 square metres or thereby of grassland and scrubland lying to the east of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
625b 2,762 square metres or thereby of grassland and scrubland and the bed and banks of the River Spey lying to the east of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
626 Number not allocated
627 23,724 square metres or thereby of grassland and the north bank of the River Spey lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the north, north-east of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
628 447 square metres or thereby of operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line including embankments of the A9 lying to the south-east of the A86 and to the north-west of the River Spey.
629 10,988 square metres or thereby of grassland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north of the Highland Railway Line and to the north, north-east of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
630 503 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the B970 Ruthven Road lying to the south-east of the River Spey and to the west, south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
631 158 square metres or thereby of access road lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the west, south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
632 56 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 lying to the south-east of the River Spey and to the west, south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
633 2,659 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 lying to the south-east of the River Spey and to the west, south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
634 160 square metres or thereby of scrubland under the A9 bridge structure lying to the south of the Highland Railway Line and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
635 155 square metres or thereby of scrubland under the A9 bridge structure lying to the south of the Highland Railway Line and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
636 156 square metres or thereby of grassland and south bank of the River Spey under the A9 bridge structure lying to the south of the Highland Railway Line and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
637a 57 square metres or thereby of the south bank and bed of the River Spey under the A9 bridge structure lying to the south of the Highland Railway Line and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
637b 105 square metres or thereby of the south bank and bed of the River Spey under the A9 bridge structure lying to the south of the Highland Railway Line and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
638 221 square metres or thereby of the north bank and bed of the River Spey under the A9 bridge structure lying to the south of the Highland Railway Line and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
639a 195 square metres or thereby of the bed of the River Spey lying to the west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
639b 80 square metres or thereby of grassland, scrubland and the south bank of the River Spey lying to the west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
639c 1,366 square metres or thereby of grassland, scrubland and the south bank of the River Spey lying to the west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
639d 598 square metres or thereby of the bed and north bank of the River Spey lying to the west of the A9, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line and to the north of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
640 89 square metres or thereby of grassland and the north bank of the River Spey under the A9 bridge structure lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the north, north-east of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
641 65 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 lying to the north, north-east of the River Spey and to the north, north-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
642 1,820 square metres or thereby of operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line including embankments of the A9 lying to the south-east of the A86 and to the north-west of the River Spey.
643 905 square metres or thereby of operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line including embankments of the A9 lying to the south-east of the A86 and to the north-west of the River Spey.
644 476 square metres or thereby of grassland, the bed and north bank of the River Spey, lying to the east of the A9, to the north of the River Spey and to the north, north-east of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
645 841 square metres or thereby of private road lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
646 2,150 square metres or thereby of access road lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the south-west of Ruthven Barracks, Kingussie.
647 to 700 Numbers not allocated
701 20 square metres or thereby of grassland lying to the west of the A9, to the south-west of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the west, south-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
702 383 square metres or thereby of access road lying to the west of the A9, to the south-west of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the west, south-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
703 2,460 square metres or thereby of scrubland and grassland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north-east of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
704 1,870 square metres or thereby of scrubland and track to the west of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
705 6,360 square metres or thereby of grassland and woodland, lying to the south-east of the A9, to the south-east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the west, south-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
706 11,417 square metres or thereby of scrubland, grassland and woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of Highland Railway Line and to the west, south-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
707 3 square metres or thereby of grassland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
708 991 square metres or thereby of scrubland, woodland and the bed and banks of two unnamed watercourses lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the west, south-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
709 Number not allocated
710 221 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the west, south-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
711 273 square metres or thereby of access road lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road.
712 4,202 square metres or thereby of scrubland, woodland and the bed and banks of two unnamed watercourses lying to the south-east of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the west, south-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
713 944 square metres or thereby of grassland, lying to the south-east of the A9, to the east, north-east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the west, north-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
714 12,537 square metres or thereby of grassland, lying to the south-east of the A9, to the east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the west, north-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
715 21 square metres or thereby of access road lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road.
716 25,067 square metres or thereby of grassland, scrubland woodland and the bed and banks of the Allt Ceaglgach lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
717 1,278 square metres or thereby of grassland and scrubland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
718 2,818 square metres or thereby of grassland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
719 12,792 square metres or thereby of grassland, scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
720 2,207 square metres or thereby of scrubland, track, woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse, lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
721 2,582 square metres or thereby of scrubland, grassland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the north-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
722 167 square metres or thereby of access road lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road.
723 272 square metres or thereby of access track and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the north-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
724 91 square metres or thereby of scrubland and grassland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the north-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
725 446 square metres or thereby of scrubland, grassland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the north, north-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
726 3,545 square metres or thereby of scrubland, grassland, woodland and the bed and banks of the Allt Ceaglgach lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the north, north-east of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
727 2,740 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the A86, lying to the south-east of the A9, to the south-east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the west, south-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
728 39,827 square metres or thereby of A9 verge, scrubland, access track, grassland, woodland and the bed and banks of six unnamed watercourses lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north-east of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
729a 4,619 square metres or thereby of scrubland, woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north-east of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
729b 384 square metres or thereby of the bed and banks of the Allt Cealgach lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north-east of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
730 518 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north-east of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
731 Number not allocated
732 1,402 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north of B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north-east of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
733 54 square metres or thereby of grassland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-east of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the east, north-east of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
734 113 square metres or thereby of scrubland lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the north-east of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road.
735 1,238 square metres or thereby of scrubland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse, lying to the south-east of the A9, to the south-east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the west, south-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
736 192 square metres or thereby of track, lying to the south-east of the A9, to the south-east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the west, south-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
737 4 square metres or thereby of scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north-east of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
738 826 square metres or thereby of grassland and woodland, lying to the south-east of the A9, to the south-east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the west, south-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
739 1,355 square metres or thereby of track and the solum and verges of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road, lying to the south-east of the A9, to the south-east of Kerrow Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS and to the west, south-west of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
740 726 square metres or thereby of grassland and scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north-east of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
741 1 square metre or thereby of scrubland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north-east of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
742 24 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north-east of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
743 1 square metre or thereby of grassland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-east of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the east, north-east of Laggan Cottage, Kingussie, PH21 1LS.
744 to 800 Numbers not allocated
801 97,381 square metres or thereby of access road, grassland, woodland, the bed and banks of the Raitts Burn and the bed and banks of two unnamed watercourses lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
802 318 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
803 904 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the A9 and the bed and banks of the Raitts Burn lying to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
804 171 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 and the bed and banks of the Raitts Burn lying to the north-west of the A9 and to the south, south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
805 277 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-east of Raitts Burn and to the south of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
806 578 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-east of Raitts Burn and to the south, south-east of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
807 456 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-east of Raitts Burn and to the south-east of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
808 1,797 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9, scrubland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-east of Raitts Burn and to the east of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
809 2 square metres or thereby of scrubland, access road and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south of the A9, to the north of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
810 1,716 square metres or thereby of access road, grassland, woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south of the A9, to the north of B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
811 139 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south of the A9, to the north of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
812 618 square metres or thereby of the solum and verge of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road lying to the south of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
813 3,917 square metres or thereby of woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south-east of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
814a 1,238 square metres or thereby of operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line, including embankments thereof and drainage culvert below the Highland Railway Line lying to the south-east of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
814b 790 square metres or thereby of operational railway land forming part of the Highland Railway Line, including embankments thereof and drainage culvert below the Highland Railway Line lying to the south-east of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
815 24,877 square metres or thereby of grassland and scrubland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
816 103 square metres or thereby of private road lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
817 318 square metres or thereby of grassland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
818 157 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south, south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
819 6,862 square metres or thereby of grassland, woodland, track and the bed and banks of the Raitts Burn lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south, south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
820 140 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 and the bed and banks of the Raitts Burn lying to the south-east of the A9 and to the south, south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
821 2,674 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south, south-east of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
822 17,547 square metres or thereby of grassland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
823 Number not allocated
824 161 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-east of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
825 79 square metres or thereby of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road, lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, south-east of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
826 191 square metres or thereby of scrubland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-east of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
827 127 square metres or thereby of scrubland and track lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, south-east of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
828 2,799 square metres or thereby of grassland, woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south of the A9, to the north-east of Raitts Burn and to the east of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
829 to 835 Numbers not allocated
836 920 square metres or thereby of scrubland and grassland lying to the south-east of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the south-east of the Highland Railway line and to the south-west Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
837 198 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, south-east of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
838 756 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, south-east of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
839 162 square metres or thereby of access track lying to the south-east of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line.
840 431 square metres or thereby of track lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
841 13,298 square metres or thereby of grassland, woodland, track and the bed and bank of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
842 Number not allocated
843 65 square metres or thereby of access track lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, south-east of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
844 663 square metres or thereby of access track lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, south-east of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
845 2 square metres or thereby of track lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-east of Raitts Burn and to the south of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
846 49 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-east of Raitts Burn and to the south of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
847 12 square metres or thereby of track lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-east of Raitts Burn and to the south of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
848 607 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-east of Raitts Burn and to the south of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
849a 26 square metres or thereby of access track lying to the south-east of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line.
849b 25 square metres or thereby of access track lying to the south-east of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road, to the south-east of the Highland Railway Line.
850 3 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
851 1 square metre or thereby of woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
852 1 square metre or thereby of woodland lying to the south of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
853 8 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the west of Raitts Burn and to the south of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
854 4 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the south-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-west of Balavil House, Kingussie, PH1 1LU.
855 to 900 Numbers not allocated
901 1,367 square metres or thereby of verge of the A9 lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the south of Croftcarnoch, Kingussie, PH21 1LU.
902 27,348 square metres or thereby of grassland, track and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the south and east of Croftcarnoch, Kingussie, PH21 1LU.
903 8,663 square metres or thereby of track, grassland and the bed and banks of two unnamed watercourses lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north of Croftcarnoch, Kingussie, PH21 1LU.
904 179 square metres or thereby of grassland and track lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north-east of Croftcarnoch, Kingussie, PH21 1LU.
905 1,800 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north-east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
906 4,229 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the east of Croftcarnoch, Kingussie, PH21 1LU.
907 3,167 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the south of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the south-east of Croftcarnoch, Kingussie, PH21 1LU.
908 768 square metres or thereby of scrubland, woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the east, south-east of Croftcarnoch, Kingussie, PH21 1LU.
909 1,025 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the south of the A9, to the north of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the east of Croftcarnoch, Kingussie, PH21 1LU.
910 234 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, south-east of Croftcarnoch, Kingussie, PH21 1LU.
911 4,554 square metres or thereby of scrubland, woodland and track lying to the south of the A9, to the south of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the east of Croftcarnoch, Kingussie, PH21 1LU.
912 9,117 square metres or thereby of grassland, scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the south-east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
913 7,843 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
914 78 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, north-east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
915 1,100 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
916 600 square metres or thereby of scrubland, woodland and the bed and banks of an unnamed watercourse lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
917 2,023 square metres or thereby of access road lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south-east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
918 Number not allocated
919 3,134 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the south-east of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
920 3,564 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, north-east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
921 878 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, north-east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
922 124 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, north-east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
923 254 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, north-east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
924 22 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, north-east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
925 134 square metres or thereby of grassland, scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
926 54 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
927 875 square metres or thereby of access road lying to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie to Granish Road, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
928 4,256 square metres or thereby of scrubland and woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the south-east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
929 1,587 square metres or thereby of the access road under the A9 bridge structure lying to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie to Granish Road, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
930 992 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, north-east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
931 49 square metres or thereby of grassland and track lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road and to the north-east of Croftcarnoch, Kingussie, PH21 1LU.
932 32 square metres or thereby of the access road under the A9 bridge structure lying to the north-west of the B9152 Kingussie to Granish Road, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east of Meadowside House, Kingussie, PH21 1LX.
933 to 1000 Numbers not allocated
1001 2,723 square metres or thereby of woodland and grassland lying to the north-west of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south of Dunachtonmore, Kingussie, PH21 1LY.
1002 720 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south of Dunachtonmore, Kingussie, PH21 1LY.
1003 2,895 square metres or thereby of woodland and scrubland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south of Dunachtonmore, Kingussie, PH21 1LY.
1004 402 square metres or thereby of the solum and verges of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road lying to to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south of Dunachtonmore, Kingussie, PH21 1LY.
1005 18 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, south-east of Dunachtonmore, Kingussie, PH21 1LY.
1006 75 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, south-east of Dunachtonmore, Kingussie, PH21 1LY.
1007 69 square metres or thereby of the B9152 Kingussie - Granish Road lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the south of Dunachtonmore, Kingussie, PH21 1LY.
1008 211 square metres or thereby of woodland lying to the south-east of the A9, to the north-west of the Highland Railway Line and to the east, south-east of Dunachtonmore, Kingussie, PH21 1LY.